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cluster:112 [2013/10/02 15:37]
hmeij [Dell April-2013]
cluster:112 [2013/10/08 13:23]
hmeij [Dell April-2013]
Line 155: Line 155:
   * What is that in 2013 dollars (with cogen online in Pine Street)?   * What is that in 2013 dollars (with cogen online in Pine Street)?
-Meeting with Peter 01Oct13 Summary+We have measured 19 nodes power consumption (pulling one unit out) with a Kill-A-Watt meter over 775+ hours to arrive at a mean consumption rate of 418.4 watts. That totals to 109,956 KwH/year in power consumption ((watts/1000 Kw per hour) * 24 hours * 365 days * 30 servers), which is a low water mark as the racks in question also contain switches, two UPS units, and a disk array. (Note: Peter did a side calculation using  the 4 watt measurement on panel directly and came up with 126,000 KwH/year which can be considered the high water mark estimate). 
-We have measured 19 nodes power consumption (pulling one unit out) with a Kill-A-Watt meter over 775+ hours to arrive at a mean consumption rate of 418.4 watts. That totals to 109,956 KwH/year in power consumption, which is a low water mark as the racks in question also contains switches, two UPS units, and a disk array. (Note: Peter did a side calculation using using the 4 watt measurement on panel and came up with 126,000 KwH/year which can be considered the high water mark estimate). 
-Based on 12.5 cents per Kwh (this is an all inclusive cost including natural gas cost, heat recoup costs, distribution, maintenance etc) the hardware burns away $13,744.50 per year. Best guess is cooling costs are at least that (another possible low water mark) so the total cost for all power consumption is $27,489 per year.  If we run the hardware for another 3 years that total cost is $82,467. 
-If we could replaceor approximate, the 30 compute nodes' computational power (0.6 teraflops) and job slots (240with new hardware that consumes 50% less in power, our ROI is years.+Based on 12.5 cents per Kwh (this is an all inclusive cost including natural gas costheat recoup costsdistribution, maintenance etc) the hardware burns away $13,744.50 per year. Best guess is cooling costs are at least that (another possible low water markso the total cost for all power consumption is $27,489 per year. If we run the hardware for another 3 years that total cost is $82,467
 +If we could replace, or approximate, the 30 compute nodes' computational power (0.6 teraflops) and job slots (240 cores) with new hardware that consumes 50% less in power, our ROI is 6 years based on the low water mark numbers. When using the high water mark the ROI is 5 years.
 +====== Quotes Oct-2013 ======
 +For $82K one could get CPU-HPC wise ...
 +[[,d.dmg&cad=rja|Intel Xeon Metrics]]
 +^vendor^Tnodes^chip type^ speed ghz^cache mb^cores^Tcores^gb disk^gb ram^gb ram/core^T gb ram^pdu^eswtich^warranty^watts^cost^tflops^
 +| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
 +| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
cluster/112.txt ยท Last modified: 2013/10/08 19:04 by hmeij