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cluster:132 [2014/08/07 18:08]
cluster:132 [2014/08/08 18:49]
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-Ah, I'm simply going to CentOS7 because LXC is fully integrated +Ah, I'm simply going to CentOS-7 because LXC is fully integrated 
   * [[]]   * [[]]
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 ==== KVM ==== ==== KVM ====
 +KVM is hardware level virtualization as opposed to my previous meanderings into the world of software level virtualization (Xen [[cluster:127|Virtual HPCC services]]).  There is basically a "dom0" domain manager running keeping track of virtual images that run from block devices written onto a block device.
   * Followed the primary setup on this page   * Followed the primary setup on this page
Line 46: Line 48:
     *     *
-First I build my v1 clone the way I wanted it from ISO and then customized it manually. Added second bridge (br1public) later via virt-manager GUI (view the details of vm and then select Add Hardware). Power this clone up, add to a test queue, and sbumit some jobs to make it all works.  Then clone.+First I create my v1 clone with virt-install then build my v1 clone the way I wanted it and then customized it manually (/etc/fstab, openlava scheduler, /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group and /etc/hosts, etc). Added second bridge (''br1'' is public/internet, previously created ''br0'' is for private network for scheduler).  That was done via virt-manager GUI (View VM Details of vm and then select Add Hardware). ''br1'' allows me to run yum update before I clone. Power this clone up, add to a test queue, and submit some jobs to make sure it all works.  Then clone.
 <code> <code>
 +# create v1, my "base" clone: 8 gb hdd, 1 gb ram, centos 6.5, connect to ethernet bridge ''br0''
 virt-install --connect=qemu:///system -n v1 -r 1024 --vcpus=1 \ virt-install --connect=qemu:///system -n v1 -r 1024 --vcpus=1 \
Line 58: Line 62:
 </code> </code>
-Here are the steps for cloning vm v1 to v5. You'll need ''guestfish' part of the libguestfs programs+Here are the steps for cloning v1 to v5. You'll need ''guestfish' part of the libguestfs tools allowing you to edit content inside the block level file.  Very nifty.
   * yum install libguestfs-tools-c   * yum install libguestfs-tools-c
-Next we'll create the v5.img block device, dump the v1 config into v5.xml and then edit that file. UUID and Mac Address we'll edit and the last 2 characters to '05'. Name becomes v5 from v1 and we'll similarly adjust the block device location-filename. Then we define this v5 vm.+Next we'll create the v5.img block device, dump the v1 config into v5.xml and then edit that file. UUID and Mac Address we'll edit and the last 2 characters we change to '05' (make it unique). Name becomes v5 from v1 and we'll similarly adjust the block device location/filename. Then we define this as domain v5.
-Launch ''guesfish' and make the same edits to Mac Address in files listed below. The boot the vm.+Launch ''guestfish' and make the same edits to Mac Address in files listed below. Then boot the vm.
 <code> <code>
Line 91: Line 95:
 ><fs> edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ><fs> edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
 ><fs> edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 ><fs> edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
-(for nics comment out any UUID lines, change hardmare address, change IP)+(for nics comment out any UUID lines, change hardware address, change IP)
 ><fs> edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ><fs> edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
 (change hardware address) (change hardware address)
Line 100: Line 104:
 </code> </code>
 +==== Tests ====
 +^ Number of jobs running (Melt Lammps LJ problem, 10000 steps with 32000 atoms) ^^^^^^^^^
 +|  2  |  4  |  6  |  8  |  10  |  12  |  14  |  16  |    |
 +|  556  |  560  |  588  |  625  |  760  |  936  |  1122    1300  |    |
 +|  (linear)  ||||  781  |  938  |  1094  |  1250  |    | 
 +|  (n35:load 32)  ||||  726  |    |    |    |    |
 +|  (hyperthreading)  ||||    |    |    |  ????  |  16 logical cores  |
 +16 VMs running in queue ''testvm''
 +  * First ran on n35 (32 core node under hyperthreading will full load) with an average loop time 726 secs.
 +  * As I submit jobs to the VMs they perform well up to 8 jobs (one job per core; dual quad core node).
 +    * That is with the KVM overhead
 +  * Assuming a linear penalty for over committing, 16 jobs is expected to take Loop times of 1250 secs.
 +    * However after 10 jobs we're surpassing that penalty threshold
 +  * And then I was to turn on Hyperthreading creating 16 logical cores
 +      * To my dismay this chipset does not support that, bummer!
 +      * Was expecting to gain some performance back ...
 +      * Maybe try on newer hardware when idle ...
 +But we learned Xen and KVM setups, and
 +  - We can now support a heterogeous environment if we wanted (Suse, Scientific Linux, Windows (eh, what?))
 +  - Using a KVM environment up to the number of cores on a box
 +  - And change the mix of nodes if needed (more/less cores per node, memory size etc)
 +  - Still, not an answer for my "high core count/low memory footprint" problem, see [[cluster:133|high core count/low memory footprint]]
 \\ \\
cluster/132.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/08/11 14:08 by hmeij