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cluster:134 [2014/08/14 20:04]
hmeij [Slurm]
cluster:134 [2014/08/19 15:30]
hmeij [High Throughput]
Line 103: Line 103:
 [[]] [[]]
-  * MaxJobCount=100000+  * MaxJobCount=120000
   * SlurmctldPort=6820-6825   * SlurmctldPort=6820-6825
   * SchedulerParameters=max_job_bf=100,interval=30  (NOTE:  unset these, pages states default values are fine)   * SchedulerParameters=max_job_bf=100,interval=30  (NOTE:  unset these, pages states default values are fine)
 +|50,000|8|00:56|  |  |
 +|100,000|8|03:20|  |  |
 +The N=16 is 8 one core VMs and swallowtail itself (8 cores). So we're sxheduling bound. But 50,000 jobs per hour is grand! Certainly would exceed what we throw at it. And that's on old hardware.
 +WARNING: We will use a much slower algorithm with proctrack/pgid, use 
 +Proctracktype=proctrack/linuxproc or some other proctrack when using jobacct_gather/linux
 +After fixing that.
- WARNING: We will use a much slower algorithm with proctrack/pgid, use Proctracktype=proctrack/linuxproc or some other proctrack when using jobacct_gather/linux 
 Debug Level is 3. Maybe go to 1. Debug Level is 3. Maybe go to 1.
cluster/134.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/08/22 13:05 by hmeij