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cluster:139 [2015/04/08 18:02]
cluster:139 [2015/05/20 14:10]
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 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)                                 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)                                
-chmod o-r /etc/warewulf/database-root.conf                                  +[root@petaltail warewulf]# chmod o-r /etc/warewulf/database-root.conf                                  
 </code> </code>
Line 110: Line 110:
 </code> </code>
 +Next restart MySQL, httpd and xinetd. Open your firewall on the private network.
 +  * edit /etc/sysconfig/iptables and restart iptables
 +# local allow
 +-A INPUT -i eth0 -d -p tcp --dport 0:65535 -j ACCEPT
 +-A INPUT -i eth0 -d -p udp --dport 0:65535 -j ACCEPT
 +Next restart some warewulf services. I had to edit the /etc/warewulf/dhcpd-template.conf several times and hardcoded the values in for network, netmask and ipaddr because I realized this server is my virtualization KVM test host and eth0 is bridged to br0 and warewulf is looking at the first ethernet and picks up eth1.
 +[root@petaltail ~]# wwsh dhcp update
 +Rebuilding the DHCP configuration
 +[root@petaltail ~]# wwsh pxe update
 +No nodes found
 +[root@petaltail ~]# wwsh
 +Warewulf> node new b51 --netdev=eth0 --hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 --ipaddr= --groups=wwnodes
 +Warewulf> provision set --lookup groups wwnodes --vnfs=centos-6 --bootstrap=2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64
 +Are you sure you want to make the following changes to 1 node(s):
 +     SET: BOOTSTRAP            = 2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64
 +     SET: VNFS                 = centos-6
 +Yes/No> y
 +Warewulf> quit
 +Booting the node we observe the eth0 MAC address being picked up by DHCPd followed by the tftpboot process.  The node boots, et voila, CentOS 6.6 //stateless// compute node. Next import files we want the same on all nodes and associate them with the nodes.
 +[root@petaltail ~]# wwsh file import /etc/passwd
 +[root@petaltail ~]# wwsh file list
 +dynamic_hosts           : -rw-r--r-- 0   root root            10174 /etc/hosts
 +group                   : -rw-r--r-- 1   root root             6247 /etc/group
 +passwd                  : -rw-r--r-- 1   root root            20094 /etc/passwd
 +shadow                  : ---------- 1   root root            23663 /etc/shadow
 +[root@petaltail ~]# wwsh provision set b[0-51] --fileadd passwd
 +[root@petaltail ~]# wwsh provision print
 +#### b51.cluster ##############################################################
 +    b51.cluster: BOOTSTRAP        = 2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64
 +    b51.cluster: VNFS             = centos-6
 +    b51.cluster: FILES            = dynamic_hosts,group,passwd,shadow
 +    b51.cluster: PRESHELL         = FALSE
 +    b51.cluster: POSTSHELL        = FALSE
 +    b51.cluster: CONSOLE          = UNDEF
 +    b51.cluster: PXELINUX         = UNDEF
 +    b51.cluster: SELINUX          = DISABLED
 +    b51.cluster: KARGS            = "quiet"
 +    b51.cluster: BOOTLOCAL        = FALSE
 +Next build a hybrid VNFS, this is the way to add packages to the nodes.  For example NTP.
 +cd /var/chroots/centos-6/
 +mkdir vnfs
 +vi etc/fstab (inside of chroot area, edit)
 + /vnfs nfs defaults 0 0
 +wwvnfs --chroot /var/chroots/centos-6 --hybridpath=/vnfs
 +Overwrite original: y
 +# reboot node, observe mount, then add NTP to chgroot
 +yum --tolerant --installroot /var/chroots/centos-6 -y install ntp
 +vi etc/init.d/ntpd (inside of chroot, edit)
 +# chkconfig: 35 58 74
 +# then make the following links in etc/rc[3|5].d/S58ntpd pointing to ../init.d/ntpd
 +vi etc/ntp.conf (inside of chroot, sole contents are, IP is master on private network)
 +restrict default ignore
 +restrict nomodify
 +wwvnfs --chroot /var/chroots/centos-6 --hybridpath=/vnfs -y
 +VNFS 'centos-6 has been imported
 +# reboot node
 +Then build the node up:
 +  * use yum to install the openlava 2.2.1 RPM (pulls in tcl)
 +    * copy the openlava config files into the centos-6 are
 +  * use yum to install postfix 
 +    * add links in rc3.d and rc5.d
 +    * remove sendmail links
 +  * yum install perl
 +  * yum install munge
 +    * build RPMs from tar ball
 +  * rebuild the VNFS and reboot
 +Sometimes you can edit the files in the chroot directly, sometimes you must modify the installtoot directly.  It's easiest to just do the latter all the time.
 +[root@petaltail ~]# cd /var/chroots
 +[root@petaltail chroots]# chroot centos-6
 +[root@petaltail /]# pwd                  
 +/                          <--- inside of installroot              
 +[root@petaltail /]# mkdir /var/log/munge 
 +[root@petaltail /]# chown munge:munge /var/log/munge
 +[root@petaltail /]# mkdir /var/log/slurm
 +[root@petaltail /]# chown slurm:munge /var/log/slurm
 +chown: invalid user: `slurm:munge'
 +# since the passwd|shadow|group files come from database you need to create the relevant lines
 +[root@petaltail /]# chown slurm:munge /var/log/slurm
 +[root@petaltail /]# exit
 +[root@petaltail chroots]# ls
 +# outside edit commenting out rc.local directives making these dirs etc
 +[root@petaltail chroots]# vi centos-6/etc/rc.local
 +# and don't forget
 +[root@petaltail chroots]# wwvnfs --chroot /var/chroots/centos-6 --hybridpath=/vnfs  -y
 +# reboot node
 +Useful links
 +  * [[]]
 +  * [[]]
 +  *
 \\ \\
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cluster/139.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/08/16 12:58 by hmeij07