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cluster:139 [2015/07/07 15:48]
hmeij [Warewulf LBL]
cluster:139 [2015/12/08 19:18]
hmeij [Warewulf Stateless]
Line 2: Line 2:
 **[[cluster:0|Back]]** **[[cluster:0|Back]]**
-===== Warewulf LBL =====+===== Warewulf Stateless =====
   * [[]] Warewulf is a scalable systems management suite originally developed to manage large high-performance Linux clusters.  My Project Kusu replacement since IBM bought up Platform LSF and dished the web site, grrrh. (old info at   * [[]] Warewulf is a scalable systems management suite originally developed to manage large high-performance Linux clusters.  My Project Kusu replacement since IBM bought up Platform LSF and dished the web site, grrrh. (old info at
Line 63: Line 63:
   * Lethal error thrown by module: /usr/libexec/warewulf/wwinit/91-vnfs.init   * Lethal error thrown by module: /usr/libexec/warewulf/wwinit/91-vnfs.init
   * answer is here!topic/warewulf/5OhfZCf_eqE   * answer is here!topic/warewulf/5OhfZCf_eqE
 +  * quoting 
 +What it appears you'll need to do initially is build out a chroot
 +directory. For example, for a Scientific Linux 6.x install, you'd do:
 +    # wwmkchroot sl-6 /var/chroots/sl-6     (or whatever path you want
 +to store them at -- run wwmkchroot -h for the help)
 +  That will give the base chroot for the VNFS at /var/chroots/sl-6.
 +You'll then set the environment variable CHROOTDIR when you execute
 +    # CHROOTDIR=/var/chroots/sl-6 wwinit VNFS
 +  I know when you use the 'icr' wwinit functions, it creates a base
 +chroot based upon the host OS. But none of the other wwinit scripts,
 +by default, create one; So you will need to build the chroot and
 +specify where the directory is. Then when the VNFS part of wwinit is
 +ran, it will build the VNFS and import it into the datastore at that
 +time, setting the one specified as the default VNFS in the
 So we start by making the chroot directories, first we'll build a generic centos-6. Then we initialize the warewulf environment. So we start by making the chroot directories, first we'll build a generic centos-6. Then we initialize the warewulf environment.
Line 259: Line 282:
 <code> <code>
-#--- build file CHROOT/etc/sysconfig/network.ww+#--- build file CHROOT/root/wwtemplates/network.ww
Line 266: Line 289:
 # add that file (using wwsh provision) to the nodes. # add that file (using wwsh provision) to the nodes.
-[root@]# wwsh file import /etc/sysconfig/network.ww \+[root@]# wwsh file import /var/chroot/centos-6/root/wwtemplates/network.ww \
  --path=/etc/sysconfig/network --name=network.ww  --path=/etc/sysconfig/network --name=network.ww
-[root@]# wwsh provision set n00[00-15] --fileadd=network.ww+[root@]# wwsh provision set n[00-15] --fileadd=network.ww
 </code> </code>
 +Second interface: create a template inside of the chroot environment.
 +wwsh node set b49 --netdev=eth1 \
 +--hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 --ipaddr= \
 +--netmask=  --network=
 +#--- build file CHROOT/root/wwtemplates/ifcfg-eth1.ww
 +#--- end 
 +# add that file (using wwsh provision) to the nodes.
 +[root@]# wwsh file import /var/chroot/centos-6/root/wwtemplates/ifcfg-eth1.ww \
 + --path=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 --name=ifcfg-eth1.ww
 +[root@]# wwsh provision set n[00-15] --fileadd=ifcfg-eth1.ww
 +Now, lets put it all together which can form the basis for a script.
 +# make sure it boots across network, alter BIOS settings
 +wwsh node new b6 --netdev=eth0 \
 +--hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 --ipaddr= \
 +--netmask=  --network=
 +wwsh node set b6 --netdev=eth1 \
 +--hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 --ipaddr= \
 +--netmask=  --network=
 +wwsh provision set b6 --fileadd passwd,shadow,group
 +wwsh provision set b6 --fileadd hosts,bashrc,profile
 +wwsh provision set b6 --fileadd network.ww,ifcfg-eth1.ww
 Useful links Useful links
cluster/139.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/08/16 12:58 by hmeij07