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cluster:146 [2016/02/10 18:07] external edit
cluster:146 [2016/02/10 18:39]
hmeij [OpenLAVA 3.1.2.]
Line 2: Line 2:
 **[[cluster:0|Back]]** **[[cluster:0|Back]]**
-==== Brief Guide to HPCC ====+==== OpenLAVA 3.1.2. ====
-This page will be maintained and provide information to get users started using the compute clusters. It is a merger of the old "brief description" page and the "queue description" page.+Build process, switching to ''git'' approach.
-===== Description =====+Prequisites (for
-The High Performance Compute Cluster (HPCC) is comprised of two login nodes ( and, both Dell PowerEdge 2950s) Old login node (Dell PowerEdge 2950) can be used for testing code (does not matter if it crashes, it's primary duty is backup to virtual tape library).+  * yum install git 
 +  * yum install rpmdev-setuptree 
 +  * yum install rpm-build 
 +  * yum install rpmdevtools 
 +  * yum install tcl tcl-devel 
 +# initialize git 
 +git init 
 +mkdir git-latest 
 +cd git-latest 
 +# pull branch down 
 +git clone git:// 
 +cd openlava/ 
 +# what's new 
 + 1721  git log 
 +# pull Dave's addition of 
 + 1723  git checkout 07f740f884d9c71d 
 +# build 
 +./configure --prefix=/opt/openlava-3.1.
 +# build packages 
 +ls -lR /root/rpmbuild/ 
 \\ \\
 **[[cluster:0|Back]]** **[[cluster:0|Back]]**
cluster/146.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/29 13:36 by hmeij07