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cluster:175 [2018/09/26 12:49]
hmeij07 [Lammps (PMMA)]
cluster:175 [2018/10/08 12:57]
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 **[[cluster:0|Back]]** **[[cluster:0|Back]]**
 +As of 
 + --- //[[|Henk]] 2018/10/08 08:56//
 +The P100 with 12 GB is end of life, replaced by the P100 16 GB and
 +The GTX 1080Ti is replaced by the GTX2060Ti (no specs yet and not certified for Amber18, yet)
 ==== P100 vs GTX & K20 ==== ==== P100 vs GTX & K20 ====
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 </code> </code>
 +==== Gromacs 2018.3 ====
 +The multidir not running in Gromacs 2018 is a bug in the code clashing with the call MPI_Barrier (communication timing error).  It is fixed in Gromacs 2018.3 so we have some multidir results although gpu utilization has room for improvements (about 25% used, same as on GTX).
 +# multidir -gpu_id 0123 with four simultaneous gromacs processes
 +-np  8 -ntomp  4 -npme 1 -maxh 0.1 -pin on -nb gpu
 +01/md.log:Performance:       36.692        0.654
 +02/md.log:Performance:       36.650        0.655
 +03/md.log:Performance:       36.623        0.655
 +04/md.log:Performance:       36.663        0.655 or about 146 ns/day/node (quad)
 +-np 16 -ntomp  8 -npme 1 -maxh 0.1 -pin on -nb gpu
 +01/md.log:Performance:       25.151        0.954
 +02/md.log:Performance:       25.257        0.950
 +03/md.log:Performance:       25.247        0.951
 +04/md.log:Performance:       25.345        0.947 or about 100 ns/day/node (quad)
 +multidir -gpu_id 00112233 with eight simultaneous gromacs processes
 +sharing the gpus, 2 processes per gpu
 +-np  8 -ntomp  4 -npme 1 -maxh 0.1 -pin on -nb gpu
 +Error in user input:
 +The string of available GPU device IDs '00112233' may not contain duplicate
 +device IDs
 +That last error when loading multiple processes per gpu is *not* according to their documentation. So the multidir performance is similar to previous single dir performance but still lags GTX performance by quite a bit. Albeit, there is room in utilization rate of the gpus.
 ==== What to Buy ==== ==== What to Buy ====
   * Amber folks: does not matter   * Amber folks: does not matter
-  * Lammps folks: P100 nodes please+  * Lammps folks: P100 nodes please, although in hybrid runs does not matter
   * Gromacs folks: GTX nodes please   * Gromacs folks: GTX nodes please
cluster/175.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/11/29 18:00 by hmeij07