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cluster:192 [2020/02/06 15:37]
hmeij07 created
cluster:192 [2020/02/21 17:18]
hmeij07 [EXX96]
Line 6: Line 6:
 A page for me on how these 12 nodes were build up after they arrived. To make them "ala n37" which as the test node in redoing our K20 nodes, see [[cluster:172|K20 Redo]] A page for me on how these 12 nodes were build up after they arrived. To make them "ala n37" which as the test node in redoing our K20 nodes, see [[cluster:172|K20 Redo]]
-==== WhatWeDo? ====+Page best read bottom to top.
-Steps.+==== Miscellaneous ====
-==== WhatWeGot? ====+<code> 
 +# add to script, get and set date 
 +NOW=`/bin/date +%m%d%H%M%Y.%S` 
 +for i in `seq 79 90`; do echo n$i; ssh n$i date $NOW; done 
 +# crontab 
 +# ionice gaussian 
 +0,15,30,45 * * * * /share/apps/scripts/  > /dev/null 2>&
 +# cpu temps 
 +40 * * * * /share/apps/scripts/ > /dev/null 2>&
 +# rc.local, chmod o+x /etc/rc.d/rc.local, then add 
 +# for mapd, 'All On' enable graphicsrendering support 
 +#/usr/bin/nvidia-smi --gom=
 +# for amber16 -pm=ENABLED -c=EXCLUSIVE_PROCESS 
 +#nvidia-smi --persistence-mode=1 
 +#nvidia-smi --compute-mode=1 
 +# for mwgpu/exx96 -pm=ENABLED -c=DEFAULT 
 +nvidia-smi --persistence-mode=1 
 +nvidia-smi --compute-mode=0 
 +# turn ECC off (memory scrubbing) 
 +#/usr/bin/nvidia-smi -e 0 
 +# lm_sensor 
 +modprobe coretemp 
 +modprobe tmp401 
 +#modprobe w83627ehf 
 +==== Recipe ==== 
 +Steps. "Ala n37" ... so the RTX nodes are similar to the K20 nodes and we can put the local software in place. See [[cluster:172|K20 Redo]] page.  First we add these packages and clean up. 
 +# hook up VDI-D cable to GPU port (offboard video) 
 +# login as root check some things out... 
 +free -g 
 +docker images 
 +docker ps 
 +# set local time zone 
 +mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.backup 
 +ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime 
 +# change passwords for root and vendor account 
 +passwd exx 
 +# set hostname 
 +hostnamectl set-hostname n79 
 +# configure private subnets and ping file server 
 +cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ 
 +vi ifcfg-enp1s0f0 
 +vi ifcfg-enp1s0f1 
 +systemctl restart network 
 +ping -c 3 
 +ping -c 3 
 +# make internet connection for yum 
 +ifdown enp1s0f0 
 +vi ifcfg-enp1s0f0 
 +systemctl restart network 
 +yum install -y iptables-services 
 +vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables 
 +systemctl start iptables 
 +iptables -L 
 +systemctl stop firewalld 
 +systemctl disable firewalld 
 +# other configs 
 +vi /etc/selinux/config (disabled) 
 +mv /home /usr/local/ 
 +mkdir /home 
 +vi /etc/passwd (exx, dockeruser $HOME) 
 +mkdir /sanscratch /localscratch 
 +chmod ugo+rwx /sanscratch /localscratch 
 +chmod o+t /sanscratch /localscratch 
 +ln -s /home /share 
 +ssh-keygen -t rsa 
 +scp /root/.ssh/ 
 +/etc/ssh/sshd_config (PermitRootLogin) 
 +echo "relayhost =" >> /etc/postfix/ 
 +# add packages and update 
 +yum install epel-release -y 
 +yum install tcl tcl-devel dmtcp -y 
 +yum install freeglut-devel libXi-devel libXmu-devel \ make mesa-libGLU-devel -y 
 +yum install blas blas-devel lapack lapack-devel boost boost-devel -y 
 +yum install tkinter lm_sensors lm_sensors-libs -y 
 +yum install zlib-devel bzip2-devel bzip bzip-devel -y 
 +yum install openmpi openmpi-devel perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker -y 
 +yum install cmake cmake-devel -y 
 +yum install libjpeg libjpeg-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel -y 
 +yum update -y 
 +yum clean all 
 +# remove internet, bring private back up 
 +ifdown enp1s0f0 
 +vi ifcfg-enp1s0f0 
 +ifup enp1s0f0 
 +# passwd, shadow, group, hosts, fstab 
 +mkdir /homeextra1 /homeextra2 /home33 /mindstore 
 +cd /etc/ 
 +# backup files to -orig versions 
 +scp /etc/passwd (and others) 
 +scp /tmp 
 +vi /etc/fstab 
 +mount -a; df -h 
 +# pick the kernel vendor used for now 
 +grep ^menuentry /etc/grub2.cfg 
 +grub2-set-default 1 
 +ls -d /sys/firmware/efi && echo "EFI" || echo "Legacy" 
 +grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg 
 +#grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg 
 +# old level 3 
 +systemctl set-default 
 +# switch to VGA 
 +cd /usr/local/src/ 
 +tar zxf n37.chroot-keep.ul.tar.gz 
 +cd usr/local/ 
 +mv amber16/  fsl-5.0.10/ gromacs-2018/ lammps-22Aug18/ /usr/local/ 
 +mv cuda-9.2/ /usr/local/n37-cuda-9.2/ 
 +cd /usr/local/bin/ 
 +rsync -vac /usr/local/bin/ 
 +# test scripts gpu-free, gpu-info, gpu-process 
 +0, GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER, 25, 126 MiB, 7855 MiB, 0 %, 0 % 
 +1, GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER, 24, 11 MiB, 7971 MiB, 0 %, 0 % 
 +2, GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER, 23, 11 MiB, 7971 MiB, 0 %, 0 % 
 +3, GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER, 23, 11 MiB, 7971 MiB, 0 %, 0 % 
 +gpu_name, gpu_bus_id, pid, process_name 
 +GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER, 00000000:3B:00.0, 3109, python 
 +# done 
 +==== What We Purchased ====
   * 12 nodes yielding a total of   * 12 nodes yielding a total of
-    * +24 cpus  +    * 24 cpus  
-    * +288 cpu cores  +    * 288 cpu cores  
-    * +1,152 gb cpu mem +    * 1,152 gb cpu mem 
-    * +48 gpus  +    * ~20 Tflops (dpfp) 
-    * +384 gpu mem +    * 48 gpus  
-  these rtx gpus will add 695 Tflops of "mixed mode" computational capacity. +    * 384 gpu mem 
-    * blows me away+    ~700 Tflops (mixed mode)
 <code> <code>
Line 106: Line 252:
 {{:cluster:back_small.JPG?nolink&300|}} Back, gpus stacked 2 on 2 \\ {{:cluster:back_small.JPG?nolink&300|}} Back, gpus stacked 2 on 2 \\
 {{:cluster:front_small.JPG?nolink&300|}} Front, all drive bays empty \\ {{:cluster:front_small.JPG?nolink&300|}} Front, all drive bays empty \\
 +{{:cluster:rack_small.JPG?nolink&300|}} Racking \\
 +{{:cluster:boxes_small.JPG?nolink&300|}} Boxes \\
 \\ \\
 **[[cluster:0|Back]]** **[[cluster:0|Back]]**
cluster/192.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 18:29 by hmeij07