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cluster:208 [2021/10/21 14:03]
hmeij07 [Changes]
cluster:208 [2022/05/27 13:05]
hmeij07 [gpu testing]
Line 383: Line 383:
  --- //[[|Henk]] 2021/10/15 09:16//  --- //[[|Henk]] 2021/10/15 09:16//
 +===== gpu testing =====
 +  * test slurm v 21.08.1
 +  * n33-n37 each: 4 gpus, 16 cores, 16 threads, 32 cpus
 +  * submit one at a time, observe  
 +  * part=test, n 1, B 1:1:1, cuda_visible=0, no node specified, n33 only
 +  * "resources" reason at 17th submit, used up 16 cores and 16 threads
 +  * all on same gpu
 +  * part=test, n 1, B 1:1:1, cuda_visible not set, no node specified, n33 only
 +  * "resources" reason at 17th submit too, same reason
 +  * all gpus used? nope, all on the same one 0
 +  * redoing above with a  ''export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=`shuf -i 0-3 -n 1`''
 +  * even distribution across all gpus, 17th submit reason too
 +  * part=test, n 1, B 1:1:1, cuda_visible not set, no node specified, n[33-34] avail
 +  * while submitting 34 jobs, one at a time (30s delay), slurm fills up n33 first (all on gpu 0)
 +  * 17th submit goes to n34, gpu 1 (weird), n33 state=alloc, n34 state=mix
 ===== Changes ===== ===== Changes =====
Line 430: Line 446:
 </code> </code>
-** Weight Priority **+** Partition Priority **
-Weight nodes by the memory per logical core: jobs will be allocated the nodes with the lowest weight which satisfies their requirementsSo CPU jobs will be routed last to gpu queues because they have the highest weight (=lowest priority).+If set you can list more than one queue...
 + srun --partition=exx96,amber128,mwgpu  --mem=1024  --gpus=1  --gres=gpu:any sleep 60 &
 +The above will fill up n79 first, then n78, then n36...
 +** Node Weight Priority **
 +Weight nodes by the memory per logical core: jobs will be allocated the nodes with the lowest weight which satisfies their requirements. So CPU jobs will be routed last to gpu queues because they have the highest weight (=lowest priority).
 <code> <code>
 hp12: 12/8 = 1.5 hp12: 12/8 = 1.5
cluster/208.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/02 17:28 by hmeij07