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cluster:88 [2010/08/09 20:03]
cluster:88 [2010/08/11 15:50]
Line 94: Line 94:
   * 10 - kits: select Add, insert kit cd, wait, cycle through disks by kit, then No More Kits, then Finish (node reboots).   * 10 - kits: select Add, insert kit cd, wait, cycle through disks by kit, then No More Kits, then Finish (node reboots).
-Upon reboot check some command output: hostname, route, ifconfig, bhosts, bqueues+Upon reboot (enter BIOS and reset boot to hard disk first) check some command output: hostname, route, ifconfig, bhosts, bqueues
 ===== Step 3 ===== ===== Step 3 =====
Line 124: Line 124:
     * cfmsync: update, no      * cfmsync: update, no 
     * 'Exit'     * 'Exit'
 +  * now we're ready to add compute nodes. type 'addhost'
 +    * if you receive an error about MySQLDB not found in one of two situations we have encountered
 +      * mysql was not installed, add an initialize database
 +        * grep mysql /etc/passwd, if none, 'adduser mysql'
 +        * /etc/init.d/mysqld status, if none 'yum install mysql-server', 'chkconfig mysqld on', /etc/init.d/mysqld start'
 +        * 'mysql -u root' should work
 +      * and/or python is missing a driver
 +        * yum install MySQL-python
 +  * when addhost starts, select the *_BSS nodegroup created, and eth0 interface
 +  * make sure blades have purple cable in bottom interface, turn blade on
 +  * if you know blade will boot of network let it go, else F2, enter BIOS, set Boot menu to network first
 +  * once blade sends its eth0 IP over and receives kickstart file, move on to next blade
 +  * do 2-3 blades this way
 +  * once the first blade is rebooted, enter BIOS, set boot menu to hard disk
 +  * there's a rhythm to this ...
 +  * once the last blade has fully booted of the hard disk quit addhost on installer node
 +  * addhost will now push new files to all the members of the cluster using cfmsync
 +Issue 'export WCOLL=/etc/hosts.pdsh' for pdsh and then 'pdsh uptime' and nodes should respond.  'bhosts' will list them probably as unavailable but it means the scheduler is aware of the nodes.  'adduser foo', 'passwd foo', 'cfmsync -f', 'pdsh grep foo /etc/shadow' will show you how cfmsync pushes the information out; this is done via /etc/cfm/nodegroup_name/ and any files it finds here or are linked in.
 +===== Step 4 =====
 +Ugly step.  If you look at /etc/hosts you'll see what we mean.  All blade host names should be unique, so we're going to fix some files.
 +  * first installer 'hostname' command comes back with 'kusu101'
 +  * copy /etc/hosts to /etc/hosts-good.  edit.
 +  * put installer lines together, put 192.168 and 10.10 lines together for an easier read
 +  * for 10.10 remove all short host names like 'kusu101' or 'node00' etc
 +  * for 192.168 add 'kusu101' or 'node00' etc short host names as the first word after IP on each line
 +  * leave all the other host names intact (*.kusu101, *-eth0, etc)
 +  * copy hosts-good across hosts file
 +  * next do the same for hosts.pdsh but only use short host names, one name per node
 +  * next do the same for /etc/lava/conf/hosts, use only 192.168 IPs and only one (short) host name
 +  * next edit /etc/rc.d/rc.local and add lines
 +    * cp /etc/hosts-good /etc/hosts
 +    * cp /etc/hosts.pdsh-good /etc/hosts.pdsh
 +    * cp /etc/lava/conf/hosts-good /etc/lava/conf/hosts
 +  * in /etc/cfm/compute-centos5.3-5-x86_64_BSS 
 +    * link in all the *-good files at appropriate locations
 +    * make the rc.d directory at appropriate level and link in rc.local
 +  * run 'cfmsync -f'
 +  * on installer node run '/etc/init.d/lava stop', then start, and do this on nodes via pdsh
 +  * 'pdsh uptime' should now list the hosts with short name
 +  * 'bhosts' should in a little while now show the hosts as available
 +  * 'lsload' should do the same
 +Now reboot the entire cluster and observe changes to be permanent. Sidebar: for Pace, you can now on the installer node assign eth1 a IP, and have the necessary changes made to the ProCurve switch, so your users can log into the installer/head node.  You still only have 50 gb or so of home directory space but users can play around.  
 +===== Step 5 =====
 +Fun step.
 +  * make a backup copy of /etc/lava/conf/lsbatch/lava/configdir/lsb.queues
 +  * edit file, delete everything but queue 'normal' definition
 +  * (if you rename queue normal you also need to edit lsb.params and define default queue)
 +  * remove most queue definitions and set the following
 +    * QJOB_LIMIT = 4 (assuming you have 2 nodes in cluster, 6 if you have 3, iow #nodes * #cores)
 +    * UJOB_LIMIT = 1000 (user like to write scripts and submit jobs, this protects from runaway scripts)
 +    * INTERACTIVE = no (only batch is allowed)
 +    * EXCLUSIVE = Y (allow the bsub -x flag)
 +    * PRE_EXEC = /home/apps/lava/pre_exec  (these two will create/remove the scratch dirs)
 +    * POST_EXEC = /home/apps/lava/post_exec
 +  * make the directories /home/apps (for compiled software)
 +  * make the directory /home/lava and /home/sanscratch
 +  * be sure /localscratch and /home/sanscratch have permissions like /tmp on all blades
 +  * create the pre/post exec files (post does an rm -rf against the created directories)
 +  * for example:
 +if ["X$LSB_JOBID" != "X" ]; then
 +    mkdir -p /home/sanscratch/$LSB_JOBID /localscratch/$LSB_JOBID
 +    sleep 5; exit 0
 +    echo "LSB_JOBID NOT SET!"
 +    exit 111
 +  * 'badmin reconfig'
 +  * 'bqueues' should now show new configuration
 +Now we're ready to submit a serial jobs.  As a non-privilege user create two files:
 +  * run
 +rm -f out err job3.out
 +#BSUB -q normal
 +#BSUB -J test
 +#BSUB -n 1
 +#BSUB -e err
 +#BSUB -o out
 +export MYSANSCRATCH=/home/sanscratch/$LSB_JOBID
 +export MYLOCALSCRATCH=/localscratch/$LSB_JOBID
 +cp ~/ .
 +time > job.out
 +cp $LOCALSCRATCH/job.out job2.out
 +cp $MYSANSCRATCH/job2.out job3.out
 +  *
 +  * 
 +sleep 10
 +echo Done sleeping.
 +for i in `seq 1 100`
 +      date
 +  * 'bsub < run' (submits)
 +  * 'bjobs' (check dispatch)
 +===== Step 6 =====
 +More fun. Parallel jobs can be submitted over ethernet interconnects but will not achieve the performance of Infiniband interconnects ofcourse.  OpenMPI is a nice MPI flavor becuase software compiled with it automatically detects if the host has an HCA card or not and will allocate the appropriate libraries. So in order to compile, or run, some OpenMPI examples we need the following:
 +  * yum install libibverbs; pdsh yum install libibverbs -q -y
 +  * yum install gcc-c++
 +On our Dell cluster we have static pre-compiled flavors of MPI and OFED. A tarball of 200 MB can be found here [[h|]]
 +  * download tarball, stage in /home/apps/src
 +  * cd /opt; tar zxvf /home/apps/src/mpis.tar.gz; pdsh "cd /opt; tar zxvf /home/apps/src/mpis.tar.gz"
 +  * examples in /opt/openmpi/gnu/examples have been compiled like so:
 +    * export PATH=/opt/openmpi/gnu/bin:$PATH
 +    * export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/openmpi/gnu/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 +    * cd /opt/openmpi/gnu/examples; make
 +    * ./ring.c; ./hello.c (to test, it'll complain about no HCA card)
 +Ok, so now we need write a script to submit a parallel job.  A parallel job is submitted with command 'mpirun' However that command needs to know which hosts are allocated to the job.  That is done with a wrapper script located in /usr/bin/openmpi-mpirun.
 +#BSUB -e err
 +#BSUB -o out
 +export PATH=/opt/openmpi/gnu/bin:$PATH
 +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/openmpi/gnu/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 +echo "make sure we have the right mpirun"
 +which mpirun
 \\ \\
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cluster/88.txt ยท Last modified: 2010/08/17 19:56 by hmeij