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cluster:88 [2010/08/11 14:25]
cluster:88 [2010/08/11 18:11]
Line 264: Line 264:
 ===== Step 6 ===== ===== Step 6 =====
-More fun.+More fun. Parallel jobs can be submitted over ethernet interconnects but will not achieve the performance of Infiniband interconnects ofcourse.  OpenMPI is a nice MPI flavor because software compiled with it automatically detects if the host has an HCA card or not and will allocate the appropriate libraries. So in order to compile, or run, some OpenMPI examples we need the following:
 +  * yum install libibverbs; pdsh yum install libibverbs -q -y
 +  * yum install gcc-c++
 +On our Dell cluster we have static pre-compiled flavors of MPI and OFED. A tarball of 200 MB can be found here [[h|]]
 +  * download tarball, stage in /home/apps/src
 +  * cd /opt; tar zxvf /home/apps/src/mpis.tar.gz; pdsh "cd /opt; tar zxvf /home/apps/src/mpis.tar.gz"
 +  * examples in /opt/openmpi/gnu/examples have been compiled like so:
 +    * export PATH=/opt/openmpi/gnu/bin:$PATH
 +    * export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/openmpi/gnu/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 +    * cd /opt/openmpi/gnu/examples; make
 +    * ./ring.c; ./hello.c (to test, it'll complain about no HCA card)
 +Ok, so now we need write a script to submit a parallel job.  A parallel job is submitted with command 'mpirun' However that command needs to know which hosts are allocated to the job.  That is done with a wrapper script located in /usr/bin/openmpi-mpirun.
 +  * irun
 +rm -f err out 
 +#BSUB -e err
 +#BSUB -o out
 +#BSUB -n 4
 +#BSUB -q normal
 +#BSUB -J ptest
 +export PATH=/opt/openmpi/gnu/bin:$PATH
 +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/openmpi/gnu/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 +echo "make sure we have the right mpirun"
 +which mpirun
 +/usr/bin/openmpi-mpirun /opt/openmpi/gnu/examples/hello_c
 +/usr/bin/openmpi-mpirun /opt/openmpi/gnu/examples/ring_c
 +  * 'bsub < irun' (submits)
 +  * 'bjobs' (check status)
 +===== Step 7 =====
 +Tools. As you add nodes, monitoring tools are added to Ganglia and Cacti.  These are useful to look at.
 +But first we must fix firefox.  You can down load a tarball here [[|]], satge in /usr/local/src and untar, then link the firefox executable in /usr/local/bin.
 +  * 'startx' to start the gnome gui
 +  * 'firefox' to start browser
 +  * http://localhost/ganglia
 +  * http://localhost/cacti (first login, admin/admin, set a new password ... admin ;), you can let users in via guest/guest)
 +  * http://localhost:3000 (for ntop)
 +  * http://localhost/[ cfm | kits | repos ] (the kits one will show all kusu commands available)
 +  * ( lsf 6.2 guides, close to lava )
 \\ \\
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cluster/88.txt ยท Last modified: 2010/08/17 19:56 by hmeij