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cluster:136 [2015/08/14 17:47]
hmeij [How do I ..?]
cluster:136 [2020/07/28 17:21] (current)
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 \\ \\
 **[[cluster:0|Back]]** **[[cluster:0|Back]]**
 +''/home'' is defunct but remains for compatibility. It has been moved from sharptail to whitetail. New home directories are at ''/zfshomes''. Although quotas are in place (starting at 1T for new accounts) users typically get what they need.  Static content should eventually be migrated to our Rstore platform.
 + --- //[[|Henk]] 2020/07/28 13:18//
 ==== HomeDir & Storage Options ==== ==== HomeDir & Storage Options ====
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 Do not use any type of copy tool with a GUI or cp/scp or s/ftp. Especially the GUI (drag&drop) are Verboten! These tools are not smart enough and frequently generated blocked processes that halt everything. Use ''rsync'' in a linux/unix environment. Do not use any type of copy tool with a GUI or cp/scp or s/ftp. Especially the GUI (drag&drop) are Verboten! These tools are not smart enough and frequently generated blocked processes that halt everything. Use ''rsync'' in a linux/unix environment.
-  +**Check it out:**
-Check it out:+
 +  * ''ssh''
   * is the server busy (''uptime'' loads < 8 are ok)    * is the server busy (''uptime'' loads < 8 are ok) 
   * is there memory available (''free -m'' look at free values)   * is there memory available (''free -m'' look at free values)
-  * is anybody else using rsync (''ps -efl | greep rsync''+  * is anybody else using rsync (''ps -efl | grep rsync''
-  * is the server busy writing (''iotop'' look at the M/s disk writes(q to quit), values >100-200 M/s bad)+  * is the server busy writing (''iotop'' look at the M/s disk writes(q to quit), values >100-200 M/s == busy!)
-Three scenarios are depicted below+Three scenarios are depicted below. When crossing the vertical boundaries you are not dealing with local content anymore, thus the content needs to flow over the network. ''rsync'' has many features, one of the important one is the use of a remote shell allowing an elegant way to cross these boundaries. 
 <code> <code>
-                        |                                          |    some lab location     +                        |         /home            group share     |    some lab location     
 some lab location                                                | some lab location                                                |
                   <-----------> sharptail <-----------> Rstore <----------->                                                   <-----------> sharptail <-----------> Rstore <----------->                                
 some other college      |                                          |     some other college      |                                          |    
-                        |                                          |    some other college               +                        |         /archives         lab share      |    some other college               
 </code> </code>
-  * preserve permissions, do a checksum between source/destination files, observe what will happen+**Some feature examples** 
 +  * preserve permissions, do a checksum between source/target files, observe what will happen
       * ''rsync -vac --dry-run''       * ''rsync -vac --dry-run''
-  * delete files on destination not present on source+  * delete files on destination not present on source (careful!)
       * ''rsync --delete''       * ''rsync --delete''
-  * throttle the rate of traffic generated, make your sysadmin happy, use+  * throttle the rate of traffic generated, make your sysadmin happy, use <5000
       * ''rsync --bwlimit=2500''       * ''rsync --bwlimit=2500''
-  * and much more ...+  * do not look inside files 
 +      * ''rsync --whole-files'' 
 +  * use a remote shell from host to host (crossing those vertical boundaries above) 
 +      * ''rsync  -vac /home/my/stuff/''
-So to put it all togetherfor example move my directory in my home directory named stuff elsewhere+Note the use of trailing slashesit means update everything inside source ''stuff/'' within target ''stuff/''. If you left the first trailing slash off the above command it means put source directory ''stuff/'' inside target directory ''stuff/'' meaning you'll end up with target ''/home/my/stuff/stuff''. You've been warned. Use the dry run option if unsure what will happen.
-''rsync --vac --delete --bwlimit=2500 --dry-run /home/username/stuff  rstore0:/data/2/somelabgroup/mydirecotory/''+** Putting it all together **
-Is output ok? Then run again the ''--dry-run'' option omitted.+<code>
-Note the lack of source trailing slash but present destination trailing slash; meaning put source inside destination location. If both had a trailing slash it would mean; update source and target at these locations. Beware. ''--delete'' may bite.+# copy the dir stuff from lab or remote college to my home on HPCC in tmp area  
 +# (first log in to remote location)
-Once contents have been migrated ''rm -rf /home/username/stuff''+rsync -vac --bwlimit=2500 --whole-files /home/user/stuff 
 +# sync my HPCC dir stuff folder into /archives locally on sharptail, then clean up 
 +# (first log in to sharptail)  
 +rsync -vac --bwlimit=2500 /home/user/stuff/  /archives/user/stuff/ 
 +rm -rf /home/user/stuff/* 
 +# generate a copy of content on Rstore disk array outside of HPCC but within 
 +# (get paths and share names from faculty member, on sharptail do) 
 +rsync -vac --bwlimit=2500 /home/user/stuff 
 +# you can also do this in reverse, log in to sharptail first 
 +rsync -vac --bwlimt=2500  /home/user/  
cluster/136.1439574464.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/14 17:47 by hmeij