\\ **[[cluster:0|Back]]** ==== NFSoRDMA ==== Previously used IPoIB, consult this page [[https://dokuwiki.wesleyan.edu/doku.php?id=cluster:145|External Link]] With newer hardware (storage and compute nodes) and an EDR Infiniband switch (expensive!) we will try NFSoRDMA. https://enterprise-support.nvidia.com/s/article/howto-configure-nfs-over-rdma--roce-x **R**emote **D**irect **M**emory **A**ccess supposedly gets better performance than IPoIB. Clients (compute nodes) fetch data directly from storage server's memory, so the remote storage "appears as if it is local". Our EDR Infiniband switch (100 GbE) is more expensive than an EDR Ethernet switch but obtains better performance. Packages involved * opensm, opensm provides an implementation of an InfiniBand Subnet Manager and Administration. and * infiniband-diags * libibverbs * librdmacm * rdma-core (chkconfig --level 2345 rdma on) * qperf [root@astrostore ~]# ibstat CA 'mlx5_0' ... # eth0 & eth1 for warewulf provisions over eth0 [root@astrostore ~]# cat /etc/default/grub GRUB_TIMEOUT=5 GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)" GRUB_DEFAULT=saved GRUB_DISABLE_SUBMENU=true GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT="console" GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="resume=UUID=05ade8ca-39db-42a8-b280-c5c835d7633f net.ifnames=0" GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true" GRUB_ENABLE_BLSCFG=true [root@astrostore ~]# lsmod | grep rdma rpcrdma 307200 2 rdma_ucm 32768 0 rdma_cm 118784 5 rpcrdma,ib_srpt,ib_iser,ib_isert,rdma_ucm iw_cm 53248 1 rdma_cm ib_cm 114688 3 rdma_cm,ib_ipoib,ib_srpt ib_uverbs 163840 2 rdma_ucm,mlx5_ib ib_core 397312 12 rdma_cm,ib_ipoib,rpcrdma,ib_srpt,iw_cm,ib_iser,ib_umad,ib_isert,rdma_ucm,ib_uverbs,mlx5_ib,ib_cm sunrpc 577536 20 nfsd,rpcrdma,auth_rpcgss,lockd,nfs_acl [root@astrostore ~]# modinfo rpcrdma filename: /lib/modules/4.18.0-425.3.1.el8.x86_64/kernel/net/sunrpc/xprtrdma/rpcrdma.ko.xz alias: rpcrdma6 alias: xprtrdma alias: svcrdma license: Dual BSD/GPL description: RPC/RDMA Transport author: Open Grid Computing and Network Appliance, Inc. rhelversion: 8.7 srcversion: 2BB7046D96C4B57D1B36DEE depends: ib_core,sunrpc,rdma_cm intree: Y name: rpcrdma vermagic: 4.18.0-425.3.1.el8.x86_64 SMP mod_unload modversions sig_id: PKCS#7 signer: Rocky kernel signing key sig_key: 54:B0:44:38:9B:6E:F7:43:B2:FD:8F:3B:8B:D3:69:22:26:2A:BE:87 sig_hashalgo: sha256 signature: A8:51:36:.... [root@astrostore ~]# cat /etc/exports /lvm_data *(fsid=0,rw,async,insecure,no_root_squash) [root@astrostore ~]# exportfs /lvm_data # weird! yet nfsd is running, I observe 8 nfsd processes [root@astrostore ~]# systemctl status nfs.service Unit nfs.service could not be found. # ohhh [root@astrostore ~]# systemctl status nfs-server.service ● nfs-server.service - NFS server and services Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Drop-In: /run/systemd/generator/nfs-server.service.d └─order-with-mounts.conf Active: active (exited) since Fri 2023-02-03 10:42:04 EST; 3 days ago ... # port sysctl -w fs.nfsd.portlist=20049 [root@astrostore ~]# cat /proc/fs/nfsd/portlist rdma 20049 rdma 20049 tcp 2049 tcp 2049 # bring up interface ip addr add dev ib0 ### then on compute node /astrostore nfs defaults,proto=rdma,port=20049 0 0 # fini with firewalld add this port https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/configuring_infiniband_and_rdma_networks/configuring-the-core-rdma-subsystem_configuring-infiniband-and-rdma-networks#enabling-nfs-over-rdma-on-an-nfs-server_configuring-the-core-rdma-subsystem firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port={20049/tcp,20049/udp} firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=private --add-port={20049/tcp,20049/udp} firewall-cmd --reload systemctl restart nfs-server the also add nfs, mountd and rpc-bind rules for ib0 \\ **[[cluster:0|Back]]**