\\ **[[cluster:0|Back]]** ==== Stata ==== Some general information for Stata users. ==== Sample ==== * save in a script say called ''run'' and submit to scheduler ''bsub < run'' #!/bin/bash rm -rf err out # relevant commands # find available hosts: bhosts # find queues: bqueues # submit job: bsub < run # show jobs submitted: bjobs #BSUB -q stata #BSUB -J test #BSUB -o out #BSUB -e err # use n cores (job slots) ... a license limitation of 6 #BSUB -n 6 # force using all on one node (hosts=1) #BSUB -R "span[hosts=1]" # can stata-mp work across nodes? # it appears not # scratch dirs MYSANSCRATCH=/sanscratch/$LSB_JOBID MYLOCALSCRATCH=/localscratch/$LSB_JOBID # required in 12 export PATH=/share/apps/stata/12:$PATH # alternate workdir, stage data and/or retrieve results # cd $MYSANSCRATCH # cp ~/stata/AllRegions2.dta ~/stata/nikkei1.dta . # /share/apps/stata/10/stata-mp -b do wagepan80_87 # assumes output is written back to home, else copy results to ~/stata/ # working in home dir cd ~/stata/ /share/apps/stata/12/stata-mp -b do firm_analysis_cluster \\ **[[cluster:0|Back]]**