Like Platform/ROCKS (see link), Scali/Manage is a software suite of tools to manage clusters. It appears very, very versatile. Lots of stuff you can do but what attracted my interests in my brief perusals were:
Change Management … this is a biggie, for example, if you were to add a node: all nodes would need updating, this becomes automatic with change management, it'll auto detect what needs updating on other nodes
Scali/MAnage also handles other servers, server farms, grids and blade racks (so for example, rintintin's image could have been captured and deployed elsewhere, or rolled back after upgrading if unsuccessful)
it also supports PBS Pro, and MPI libraries and MPI/HA … that is high availability for HA (reasoning goes like … if jobs run 30 days and a single node fails and MPI is not HA then the entire job is aborted. So HA provides a pathway for atttempting to finish job while hardware underneath gets replaced).