
Recent Queue Usage

01 April thru 09 June, 2010
Cluster Petaltail/Swallowtail
The Sharptail Cluster

Historic Queue Usage

So we know we have a need for home directory disk space. But if we got more nodes, which would they be? So here is a look at that. The 2-3 week period from Christmas to end of first week of Jan, represented by no jobs running/pending, was when the electrical work was done on our building. The tremendous spikes are from a single user who submits hundreds of programs overnight, which run very fast.

Cluster Petaltail/Swallowtail
First we look all queues combined.
Next: The light-weight nodes, 8 gb per dual-quad PE1950
Next: The medium-weight nodes, 12 gb per dual-quad PE1950
Next: The heavy-weight nodes, 16 gb per dual-quad PE1950
Next: The heavy-weight nodes with fast local disk space, 16 gb per dual-quad PE1950
Next: The light-weight infiniband connected nodes, 8 gb per dual-quad PE1950
Next the Sharptail Cluster
