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Wesleyan University Comprehensive Emergency Response Plan

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Brief Overview of Facility Operations

Wesleyan University is a liberal arts university, established in 1831, and located in the heart of Middletown, Connecticut. The institution has an academic mission and offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. Teaching, scholarship and research are conducted by the 300+ faculty at Wesleyan. The University's educational programs are supported by a number of administrative departments to ensure the proper management of academic activities, building maintenance, safety and security of students and staff.

The Office of Public Safety initially identifies and manages emergency response activities on the campus. Officers and supervisors patrol the campus on a 24-hour basis. All are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid as well as in other skills applicable to their positions as officers in a university setting. The office works closely with the Middletown Police and Fire Departments, as well as with other agencies, to resolve incidents occurring on or around campus. The Public Safety investigative captain coordinates the response to emergencies that occur on campus and will enlist outside resources as necessary. When the Office of Public Safety receives a report, a Public Safety officer is dispatched as promptly as possible to evaluate the situation and to contact other authorities as needed. Patrol vehicles are equipped with both Public Safety and Middletown Police Department radios. Prompt communication ensures rapid police and fire response in the event of any emergency occurring on campus.

1.1.1 Description of the Campus

William Weitzer 2006/07/20 10:55 Wesleyan University has a broad and deep curriculum in the liberal arts – arts, humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. It is a private residential facility with approximately 3,000 students, including undergraduate and graduate populations, and — Clifford J Ashton 2006/09/22 16:031300 employees. Students live either in dormitories or in wood frame housing units adjacent to the core campus, many of which are owned and operated by the University. Faculty and staff members may live in on-campus housing provided by the University. The central campus consists of a large number of buildings housing classrooms, laboratories, athletics, and administrative operations.

Clifford J Ashton 2006/09/22 16:03xxDeleted discussion of fire alarm system as it is not essential to description of campus or response plan.

1.1.2 Nature of Hazards or Events to Which Plan is Applicable

This Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is an “all hazards plan”Clifford J Ashton 2006/07/10 16:40 that addresses emergencies including, but not limited toClifford J Ashton 2006/07/10 16:40fire, explosions, chemical spills, oil spills, natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornados, blizzards, earthquake, and pandemic, and other emergenciesClifford J Ashton 2006/07/10 16:40such as power outages, criminal activities, and civil disturbances. The prescribed emergency response action to each of these events is listed in Section 3.8. Full-Scale Emergency --- //[[|Clifford J Ashton]] 2006/09/22 16:13//Level I and II Emergency Response, see Section 2.2.6)

The emergency procedures outlined in this ERP are intended to protect life and property through effective use of University and community resources. Whenever an emergency affecting the campus reaches proportions that cannot be handled by routine measures, the President or his designee may declare a state of emergency, and personnel assignments (see Section 3.3.2) and response actions (see Section 3.8) may be implemented. There are two general types of full-scale emergencies that may result in the implementation of the contingency guidelines. They are:

  • Large scale disorder, and
  • Large scale natural/manmade disaster.

Since an emergency may be sudden and without warning, these procedures are designed to be flexible in order to accommodate contingencies of various types and magnitudes. The policies and procedures are based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and are designed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs (NFPA 1600).Clifford J Ashton 2006/07/10 16:40 Limited-Scope Emergency --- //[[|Clifford J Ashton]] 2006/09/22 16:16//Level III or IV Emergency Response - see section 2.2.6)

A limited-scope emergency is one that can be effectively mitigated and addressed by on-campus resources, without assistance from the Middletown Fire Department or the Middletown Police Department. This type of emergency may include a small chemical spill contained within a laboratory and cleaned up by laboratory personnel — Clifford J Ashton 2006/09/22 16:12or a bomb threat limited to a particular site or building. — William Weitzer 2006/07/20 12:33 Note: I wonder if a bomb threat qualifies as a limited-scope emergency as defined here. Wouldn't we contact the Middletown Police if there was a bomb threat? Notifications of this type of emergency will be limited to the individuals providing immediate response and those with a need to know. Additional communications will be limited unless deemed necessary otherwise.

1.1.3 List of Applicable Regulations

This Comprehensive ERP addresses compliance with a number of federal regulations, either by direct inclusion or by attachment as an appendix. These include:

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Oil Pollution Prevention regulations [Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) and Facility Response Plan Requirements, 40 CFR 112.7 (d) and 112.20 to 112.21];
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Emergency Action Plan regulations [29 CFR 1910.38 (a)];
  • OSHA’s Hazardous Waste Operations (HAZWOPER) regulations (29 CFR 1910.119);
  • EPA’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations (40 CFR part 264, Subpart D; 40 CFR part 265, Subpart D; and 40 CFR 279.52);
  • EPA’s Risk Management Programs regulations (40 CFR part 68);
  • Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III, Sections 301 to 303 and 312; and
  • Section 29-307a of the Connecticut General Statutes.

The ERP also complies with NFPA 1600 Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs, 2004 Edition — Clifford J Ashton 2006/07/12 14:25

1.2 Current Revision Date

This Comprehensive ERP (Revision 2) is current and accurate as of March 12, 2002Clifford J Ashton 2006/07/12 14:29Clifford J Ashton 2006/09/22 16:18October 1,2006. January 1, 2007As required by the various regulations, an annual review will be conducted by Wesleyan University Department of Public Safety — Clifford J Ashton 2006/07/12 14:30and any changes will be provided to listed groups within 30 days of the review. If significant process changes occur before the annual review date, Wesleyan University Department of Public Safety — Clifford J Ashton 2006/07/12 14:30will make necessary changes and submit those to emergency responders within 15 days of completion.

1.3 Approval

Wesleyan University is committed to providing the safest possible educational setting and place of employment, with concern for the individual and in accordance with applicable federal and state statutes. This Bold TextComprehensiveClifford J Ashton 2006/07/12 14:32Emergency Response Plan, as outlined in the following sections, has been prepared to comply with regulations promulgated OSHA, EPA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and applicable State of Connecticut requirements.

business_continuity_plan/chapter1.txt · Last modified: 2007/01/19 20:16 (external edit)