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3.1.4 Emergency Equipment Lists

State law requires that fire extinguishers be located and maintained within all public and high-hazard areas within each building. Each extinguisher must be inspected on a monthly and annual basis according to National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) requirements.

Fire alarms, required in every Class A area of assembly (gymnasiums and concert halls), in newly constructed educational facilities, and in many older buildings, depending on occupancy and use, are provided where required by law and in other locations across campus. Wesleyan University will install, maintain, and inspect fire alarms according to NFPA standards in all residence halls and other areas of assembly.

Emergency showers and emergency eyewashes are required where caustic or corrosive chemicals that could be injurious to the eyes or skin are used. This includes battery-charging stations in automotive shops, chemistry classrooms and chemical storage areas. Emergency eyewashes are to be flushed weekly (Currently this is done quarterly???)William Nelligan 2006/10/18 15:49**to prevent the buildup of bacteria and inspected on an annual basis. Emergency showers are to be tested annually.

Other safety equipment such as fire blankets, first aid kits, chemical spill cleanup kits, and blood spill cleanup kits are purchased, maintained, and used as appropriate to match the activities conducted within the university and appropriate to the training provided to university staff. Emergency equipment lists, including a list of heavy equipment available, are provided on the following pages.

business_continuity_plan/chapter3_1_4.txt · Last modified: 2006/10/18 19:47 (external edit)