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3.6 Response critique and Plan review and modification process

Following any training exercise or actual emergency event that is classified as a Level III or Level IV emergency, a critique shall be conducted. The critique will include a summary review of the event in question, the actions taken to initiate and manage emergency response activities, a review of the post-emergency actions and a review of how the Comprehensive Emergency Response Plan was able to manage or adjust to the actual events that occurred. Changes to the Emergency Response Plan will be made as appropriate, based on the critique conducted. This document is intended to be dynamic and adjustable to meet the needs of the institution and the emergency situations it encounters.

3.6.1 Annual review, edits and updates

This plan shall be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. Each original recipient of the document will be provided with modifications and a short explanation of the changes that have been made within 15 days of completion. Significant changes to the core document must be reviewed and signed by the individuals noted in Section 1.4.

The following modifications have been made to this plan on the noted dates:

Revision 1, 9/12/01: On September 12, 2001, URS Corporation reissued complete pages of the entire document. Modifications to the plan reflect changes to the administrative reporting lines at Wesleyan University, minor modifications and corrections to distinct areas of responsibility throughout the campus and grammatical corrections. Additions of Evacuation Plans, Letters of Mutual Aid, the CSA Contingency Plan and other support documents were added. All modifications were made before formal distribution of the ERP to local response agencies and each copy is therefore inclusive of the changes.

Revision 2, 3/12/02: On March 12, 2002, URS Corporation reissued complete pages of the entire document. Modifications to the plan reflect changes to the administrative reporting lines at Wesleyan University, minor modifications and corrections to distinct areas of responsibility throughout the campus and grammatical corrections. Additions of Evacuation Plans, Letters of Mutual Aid, the CSA Contingency Plan and other support documents were added. All modifications were made before formal distribution of the ERP to local response agencies and each copy is therefore inclusive of the changes.

3.6.2 Response critique form

Following a Level III or Level IV emergency response incident requiring the procedures listed in this plan, or the planned exercise of this plan, the Emergency Response Coordinator and involved participants are responsible for completing the attached response critique form. This information shall be retained for at least three years and the plan shall be amended to reflect the necessary changes within 60 days of the completion of the critique.


Date and time of incident:

Location of incident (building and room #):

Contact person (name, address, phone):

Other persons involved (name, address, phone):


Description of the incident:

Who responded to the scene (e.g., Public Safety, spill cleanup company, Middletown Fire Department, Middletown Police Department, State agencies, etc.)?

Were there any personal injuries as a result of the incident? If so, list (1) persons injured (name address, phone), (2) if injuries were treated at the scene or if the injured was transported to a medical facility, and (3) whether injured is a student, employee, or visitor.

Was property damaged as a result of the incident? If so, describe.

What actions were taken in response to the incident?

What was the underlying cause of the incident?

What can be done to prevent this type of incident from occurring again?

To whom was this incident reported (i.e., Wesleyan Public Safety, Middletown Fire Department, Middletown Police Department, CTDEP, etc.)? Include date/time reported and contact person/phone number for each agency.


If the incident included a chemical or oil spill, please include the following information:

Type of material spilled (include whether waste or virgin product):

Estimated amount of material spilled:

Estimated amount of material recovered:

Did ground contamination occur? If so, describe:

Location and method of disposal of spill cleanup debris:

Were spills located near (and therefore have access to) floor drains, strom drains, or the sanitary sewer system? If so, describe:

business_continuity_plan/chapter3_3_6.txt · Last modified: 2006/09/05 18:30 (external edit)