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==== Wesleyan University, Dept. of Chemistry Hall-Atwater Laboratories Container Storage Area Contingency Plan ====


Section Page

1 Introduction 3

1.1	Location								3
1.2	Setting									3
1.3	Description of CSA							5
1.4	Waste Generation							7
1.5	Generator Status							8

2 Purpose of Plan 8

3 Scope 8

4 General Responsibilities 9

5 Emergency Coordinator (EC) 9

5.1	Function & Job Description						9
5.2	Qualifications								9
5.3	List of Emergency Coordinators						10
	(See Table 1 for contact info)						15

6 Emergency Response Procedures 9

Procedure #1	Notification of CSA Emergency					21
Procedure #2	Evacuation of CSA Area						22
Procedure #3	Fire in the CSA							25
Procedure #4	Spill in the CSA						27
Procedure #5	Release to the Environment					29
Procedure #6	Power Failure in the CSA 					31
Procedure #7	Reporting Emergencies and Releases				32
Procedure #8	Injuries from Chemical Exposure in the CSA			36

7 Post Emergency Recovery 10

7.1	CSA Cleanup Activities							10
7.2	Follow up Reports							11
	(See Table 2 for reporting detail)					16

8 Equipment Preparedness Inspections 11

8.1	Description of Emergency Equipment					11
8.2	Emergency Equipment Inventory						12
	(See Table 3 for Inventory Checklist form)					17

9 Training Program 12

9.1	Emergency Coordinator Training						12
9.2	Laboratory Instructors and all other Personnel				12

10 Arrangements with Local Authorities 12

10.1	Middletown Fire and Police Departments					12
10.2	Emergency Medical Services						13
10.3	Local Contingency Planning Committee (LEPC)				13
10.4	Spill Cleanup Contractors							13

11 Administration of the Plan 13

11.1	Amendments to the Plan							13
	(See Table 4 for Form Letter)						18
11.2	Copies of the Plan							14
	(See Table 5 for Address List)						19
11.3	Periodic Plan Reviews							14
	(See Table 6 for Plan Review Checklist)					20
11.4	Pertinent References or Documents						14


This is a contingency plan as required under federal Resource, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations and analogous Connecticut hazardous waste regulations, for the Wesleyan University Hazardous Waste Container Storage Area (CSA).

1.1 Location

The CSA is located at:

Chemistry Department
Hall-Atwater Laboratory, Room 50C
Lawn Ave.
Middletown, CT  06457

1.2 Setting

The Hall-Atwater Laboratory is on the campus of Wesleyan University, between Church Street and Lawn Avenue on the north and south, and between High Street and Pine Street on the east and west. The CSA is on the ground floor of the building on the southwest corner of the facility, below the loading dock. The surrounding area contains University classroom buildings, science library, dormitories and residential housing. A map of the area is shown on Figure 1.

Figure 1. Hall-Atwater Laboratory (bldg. 58b) and Surroundings

1.3 Description of CSA

A diagram of the CSA floor plan is shown on Figure 2. Room 50C is the CSA. A locked chemical storage refrigerator is located in Room 50. It is used as a CSA for hazardous waste that may be unstable at room temp. Room 50 is a foyer used as a staging area for lab packing of wastes by the disposal contractor. The hazardous waste refrigerator is inspected under the CSA protocol and inspection guide. The CSA has exhaust ventilation with floor level pickup (for vapors heavier than air) and explosion-proof lighting and electrical circuits. Fire extinguishers are located in the room 50 complex foyer and in the hall outside room 49. A direct dial phone to Public Safety is located in the hall outside Room 49. The CSA has a CO2 fire protection system. Wastes in the CSA are held for a maximum of 180 days. They are stored on racks with appropriate separation for incompatibles, and may periodically be aggregated from several containers into one. Evaporation of water from inorganic metallic sludge generated in undergraduate chemistry labs is conducted within the CSA as a waste minimization measure.

Figure 2. CSA Floor Plan and Emergency Equipment Locations

1.4 Waste Generation

University teaching laboratories and research laboratories use a variety of reactants, solvents and other hazardous chemicals or materials. Residual reactants, unused chemicals, or chemicals past their shelf life result in generation of hazardous wastes – mainly waste liquids, spent solvents or organic and inorganic solids or sludge. The Chemistry, Biology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Departments (in the Hall-Atwater and Shanklin Laboratories) generate small amounts of such hazardous wastes on a regular basis. Laboratory protocols specify collection of compatible wastes in small satellite accumulation containers at the points of generation in each laboratory, as shown on Figure 3. Except for inorganic acids, which are neutralized and disposed down the sink, all lab-generated wastes are collected and retained in the CSA for pickup and disposal by a licensed hazardous waste contractor.

Figure 3. Laboratory Satellite Accumulation Area Figure 4. Radioactive Waste Decay-Out Room

Figure 5. Biomedical Waste Storage Biomedical and radioactive wastes also are generated by laboratory activities, but these are handled under different procedures and not within the CSA. Radioactive wastes (predominantly P-32 and S-35) are held in a secure decay-out room as shown on Figure 4 for 10 half-lives prior to disposal, to assure that activity has dropped below required levels. Mixed waste is rare, but if it is generated, it is first subject to appropriate decay-out, then transferred to the CSA for disposal.

Biomedical wastes are held in a separate storage area as shown on Figure 5, for pickup and disposal by a licensed biomedical waste contractor. Spills or other emergencies involving radioactive or biomedical wastes are subject to regulations other than RCRA, are handled under different procedures, and therefore are not covered in this RCRA contingency plan.

Several other University departments (Center for the Arts, Earth Sciences, Physical Plant) occasionally generate small quantities of RCRA hazardous waste, which are collected and aggregated in the CSA.

1.5 Generator Status

Wesleyan is classified as a small quantity generator (SQG) of RCRA hazardous wastes, but may infrequently exceed the threshold for a generator, due to clean out of obsolete chemicals that fall under the acute hazardous waste category. This occurs, for example, when a professor retires or leaves Wesleyan employment, and leaves behind small amounts of chemicals used in their specific line of research which are not useful to other researchers and must be disposed. On occasion, such acute hazardous wastes total more than one kilogram, thus episodically elevating the University into large quantity generator status. This contingency plan is intended to cover that episodic situation, in addition to the more normal hazardous waste disposal quantities, which are at the SQG level.


The purpose of this contingency plan is to minimize possible hazards to human health or the environment due to fire, explosion or release of RCRA hazardous wastes from the CSA to the interior of the Hall-Atwater building, or to the air, soil or water (via catch basins) outside.


This plan covers RCRA hazardous wastes held in the CSA (Hall-Atwater Room 50C), and emergency preparedness and response actions to be taken by Wesleyan personnel in the event of a fire, explosion or release escaping the CSA. It does not cover:

  • the small satellite accumulation points in each laboratory (these are typically under vented lab hoods, and are subject to standard lab protocols for chemical accidents and spills);
  • inventories of hazardous chemicals stored in the stockroom or in labs;
  • Radioactive decay-out room or biomedical waste storage room, or any storage of these wastes.


There is one primary Emergency Coordinator (EC) and two alternates. The primary EC is responsible for this plan. The EC on duty or on call at the time of the emergency is responsible for implementing this plan. All other laboratory staff personnel in the various Departments are responsible for reacting to an emergency according to the procedures prescribed in the plan, and for evacuating themselves and their students from areas near the CSA if directed by the EC, or if a hazardous condition is apparent.

In the context of the OSHA requirements, the EC (including alternates) is classified as a Hazmat Technician Level, and all other personnel are classified as a First Responder - Awareness Level.


5.1 Function and Job Description

The EC, acting at the time of the emergency, is in charge of all initial actions taken to respond to the emergency. Each EC carries a pager, and Wesleyan Public Safety has the pager numbers. The EC contains the release, keeps it from spreading, and prevents exposures. He has the authority to commit Chemistry Department resources to the degree needed to deal with the emergency. He continues in this role until the Fire Department arrives. He then relinquishes his control to the Incident Commander for the Fire Department (the senior fire official on the scene), and acts as liaison to the Incident Commander for information and advice.

The primary EC administers the plan, conducts periodic reviews of the plan to keep it current, and makes periodic inspections of emergency equipment to ensure everything needed in an emergency is available and operable.

EC’s also train laboratory staff personnel in basic emergency response actions at the First Responder - Awareness Level, during the annual safety training. The training materials for laboratory staff personnel are found in the Environmental Health and Safety Office room HA066.

5.2 Qualifications

Each EC must be familiar with the CSA and adjacent building layout, laboratory operations and activities generating hazardous wastes, the location and chemical nature of the wastes stored in the CSA, and their behavior in a fire. They must have at least two years experience in the safe handling of hazardous materials. They must have a respirator, be properly qualified in its use, and be fit-tested annually.

In addition to this general background, each EC must have 24 hours of initial training in hazardous materials incidents to qualify at the Hazmat Technician Level. After this initial training, they must have 8 hours of refresher training each subsequent year to maintain proficiency.

5.3 List of Emergency Coordinators

There is one primary Emergency Coordinator, and two qualified alternates, as listed on Table 1 (page 15).


There are eight individual response procedures (pages 21-36) covering different emergency events. These procedures are attached to this plan, and are part of it. Each is kept to simple 1-page instructions per emergency event, for clarity in training and for simplicity if the plan has to be implemented.


7.1 CSA Cleanup Activities

Emergency Coordinator After the emergency has been controlled, the EC will undertake the following cleanup activities as appropriate:

  • Direct any cleanup activities required in the CSA or adjoining areas, and document progress in a daily log.
  • Ensure that all personnel or contractors wear personal protective equipment as appropriate to the cleanup.
  • Establish that all emergency equipment has been returned to the proper level of preparedness.
  • Verify that all cleanup debris has been contained and collected before resuming normal operations.
  • Arrange for sampling of catch basins into which solvents or fire-fighting runoff water containing solvents may have run.
  • Arrange for sampling of soil, surface water or groundwater in adjacent outside areas as needed.
  • Act as liaison for any DEP spill investigations required.
  • Ensure an appropriate supply of waste drums and labels for cleanup debris, unless, the cleanup is being conducted by a contractor.
  • Assure that drums are properly stored and labeled, including a separate tag or label which identifies that they contain spill cleanup debris, and whether the debris is solid, liquid or mixed materials.
  • Oversee the proper management and disposal of hazardous waste debris from the cleanup.
  • Keep a separate log record of all spill cleanup drums or containers generated as a result of the emergency.
  • Review the events of the emergency to assess whether the plan should be revised.

7.2 Follow-up Release Reports

Activating this contingency plan or having an actual release to the environment triggers several follow-up reporting requirements. . Send the letters to the agencies as listed in Table 2 (page 16), as appropriate.


8.1 Description of Emergency Equipment

Fire protection within the CSA is provided by an automatic overhead CO2 sprinkler system. A fire alarm sounds if the system activates. A status (pressure) indicator for the system is present. The system is inspected by the EC on a monthly basis and by the University’s insurance carrier annually.

Portable fire extinguishers (dry chemical, CO2 and Halon) are placed at selected locations around the CSA area as indicated on Figure 2. These are inspected monthly by the EC, and recharged or replaced annually by a contracted service.

Crash carts with absorbent materials, pads, pillows and socks, and a diversionary boom, are kept in multiple locations in the Hall-Atwater building. They are checked monthly and supplies are replenished as needed.

Durable personal protective equipment (full-face respirators and safety glasses) is maintained by the EC to whom issued. Disposable equipment (protective clothing and gloves) sufficient to handle a CSA emergency is kept in the spill kit outside Room 50 as well as a working copy of this plan. Extra personal protective equipment is available in the Sciences Stock Room located in Hall-Atwater room 054.

There is an emergency telephone that connects you directly to Public Safety upon lifting the receiver. It is located outside Room 50 and is checked monthly by the EC for operability.

8.2 Emergency Equipment Inventory

A list of the emergency equipment is provided in Table 3 (page 17). This table is also the checklist used by the EC for monthly inspections.


All training for proper personnel response to an emergency in the CSA is specified in the Emergency Response Training Program. Briefly, the program consists of specific levels of training based on need to know. All training is documented, and records are retained.

9.1 Emergency Coordinator Training

The primary and alternate EC’s receive at least 24 hours of initial training from an outside consultant, school, course or other source qualified to teach hazardous materials emergencies. The degree of this training is consistent with the OSHA requirements for First Responder – Hazmat Technician Level. EC’s also receive 8-hour refresher training annually as needed to maintain currency. Records of training are kept in the Environmental Health and Safety Office room HA066.

9.2 Laboratory Instructors and All Other Personnel

Other University personnel engaged in laboratory work that generates hazardous wastes into the CSA are trained annually. This training corresponds to the OSHA First Responder - Awareness Level and is conducted by EC’s. Newly hired laboratory staff personnel and technical assistants receive this training along with basic laboratory emergency response training before being allowed to work unsupervised in any laboratory. Records of training are kept in the Environmental Health and Safety office room HA066.


10.1 Middletown Fire and Police Departments

Public Safety is notified of an emergency by dialing 911 or 3333 on campus phones. Public Safety may call in the Middletown Police Department and/or Fire Department as appropriate. Both these departments have been given a copy of this contingency plan.

10.2 Emergency Medical Services

An ambulance is called by Public Safety, on request of the Emergency Coordinator. The ambulance service is Hunter Ambulance. The service has been given a copy of this contingency plan.

The Middlesex Memorial Hospital in Middletown is the designated medical emergency room for serious injuries. The hospital has been given a copy of this contingency plan.

10.3 Local Contingency planning Committee (LEPC)

No emergency operations are conducted by the Middletown LEPC over and above those conducted by the Fire and Police Departments. However, notifications and preparedness planning are LEPC functions, and the Middletown LEPC has been given a copy of this contingency plan.

10.4 Spill Cleanup Contractors

Hazardous materials spill cleanup contractors are available on emergency notice via the DEP or Fire Department. The university on-call Contractor for spill cleanup is American Environmental Technologies, Inc. (AET) Bethel CT. 800-562-7611. The company has been given a copy of this contingency plan.


11.1 Amendments to the Plan

The plan is amended when:

  • List of EC’s changes, or other key contacts outside the University change. This includes phone and address changes, as well as names of personnel.
  • List of emergency equipment changes.
  • Plan fails in an emergency.
  • Regulations governing the scope and extent of the plan are revised.
  • Any change is made in CSA operations or maintenance practices that substantially increases the risk or extent of an emergency.
  • Any other circumstance that could increase the risk or extent of an emergency.

Minor revisions to pages are indicated by a letter after the revision number (e.g., Revision 2a), with the date of the change. Major revisions of the entire plan are given the next sequential revision number. Copies of revised pages or the entire revised plan are mailed to all holders of the plan (return receipt requested), with instructions on how to make the changes. The instruction / transmittal form is provided as Table 4 (page 18).

11.2 Copies of the Plan

The agencies receiving copies of this contingency plan and changes thereto are listed in Table 5 (page 19).

11.3 Periodic Plan Reviews

The plan is reviewed annually by the primary EC for any need to amend or update it, using the checklist shown in Table 6 (page 20). Each change notice sent out to plan recipients asks them to send in any changes they have made within their own organizations or operations that should be reflected in the plan.

11.4 Pertinent References or Documents

This plan is written to conform to the requirements of various state and federal regulations dealing with hazardous materials and hazardous wastes. These requirements (and interpretations thereof) are not part of this plan, but are maintained separately by the EC for reference.

The following additional references were used in the preparation of this plan:

  • Guidebook for Initial Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents, US Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, Booklet #P-5800.4.
  • Hazardous Materials Response Handbook, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
  • •Various Material Safety Data Sheets from laboratory chemical manufacturers.



Public Safety Dispatcher: Page a Chemistry Department Emergency Coordinator in the sequence below, until one responds. Call office or home phone numbers if there is no response to the page.

Name Pager Office Phone Home Phone Home Address
Don Albert 860-279-7201 860-685-2729 860-345-4367 Morris Hubbard Road Higganum, CT 06441
Jeff Gilarde 860-279-7208 860-685-3473 860-267-7601 P.O. Box 321 Cobalt, CT 06414
Bill Nelligan 860-842-2599 860-685-2732 860-434-7089 22 Blood StreetLyme, CT 06371


Agency Getting LetterDeadline for Letter Content of LetterFor Details See
DEP, copy to LEPC and SERCWithin 24 hours • Prescribed DEP form (see Figure 9) CGS 22a-450
LEPC, copy to SERC and NRC “as soon as practicable” after release • Facility/respondent identification• Date, time, type of incident• Response actions taken• Health risks from release• Medical treatment needed40 CFR 355.40 (b)(3)
DEP, copy to EPA Region 1 Within 15 days • Facility/respondent identification• Date, time, type of incident• Name/quantity of material• Extent of any injuries• Assessment of actual or potential hazards to health or environment• Quantity/disposition of recovered material• Statement that emergency plan was implemented40 CFR 265.56(j);22a-449©-105(a)(2)
EPA Region 1, copy to DEP Before resuming operations • Facility/respondent identification• Date, time, type of incident• Cleanup is complete• No incompatible hazardous wastes are stored together• The plant emergency equipment is all back in operation40 CFR 265.56(i)

Note 1: LEPC = Local Emergency Planning Committee DEP = Department of Environmental Protection NRC = National Response Center SERC = State Emergency Response Commission

Note 2: The DEP 15-day letter can also satisfy the LEPC / SERC / NRC requirement. Make sure the regulation is properly referenced and the information is complete.


Item Description / Function Location StatusOK NOK Date Inspected By
CO2 systemKidde CO2 / Fire Suppression System Ceiling valves, cylinders Rm. 50 q q
First aid station First Aid Kit / Basic first aid Inside “Spill response box” outside Rm. 49q q
Spill cleanup kitKit of various absorbent materials, including booms, pads etc. / spills In “Spill response box” outside rm. 49q q
Alternate #1 Spill cleanup kit Kit of various absorbent materials, including booms, pads etc. / spills Crash Cart, gr.fl. Inside Rm. 31qq
Alternate #2 Spill cleanup kitKit of various absorbent materials, including booms, pads etc. / spillsInside “Spill Response Box”,1st fl. Loading dock qq
Portable Fire Extinguisher CO2 20lb / Fire Suppression Wall Mount in rm. 50q q
Portable Fire Extinguisher CO2 20lb / Fire Suppression Wall Mount Outside rm. 49 q q
Emergency Phone Direct line to Public Safety / 911 Wall Mount Outside rm. 49 q q
q q
q q
q q


To: —————— Transmittal #: ——— ————–
—————— Date: ———-

Re: Revision to Wesleyan University Hazardous Waste CSA Contingency Plan

—– Please insert into your copy of the Contingency Plan the enclosed page(s) marked Revision ——, and remove and discard the pages they replace.
—– Please discard your entire copy of the Contingency Plan, and replace it with Revision —— enclosed.

Please sign the receipt below and return it to us to indicate you have received the material. Thank you.

To: Donald Albert Chemistry Department Wesleyan University Middletown, CT 06457
From: ———————–

I have received your transmittal number ——-,dated ———-,providing revisions to the Wesleyan University Hazardous Waste CSA Contingency Plan.

———————— —————————- ——————- Print Name Signature Date


Wesleyan Public Safety208 High Street Middletown, CT. 06459 Attn: Director of Public Safety
Middletown Police DepartmentOffice of Emergency Coordinator Cross Street Middletown, CT. 06457
Middletown Fire DepartmentMiddletown Fire Marshall Middletown Fire Headquarters 533 Main St. Middletown CT. 06457
Middletown LEPCLocal Emergency Planning Committee C/O Middletown Fire Dept. 533 Main Street Middletown, CT. 06457
Hunter’s Ambulance ServiceEmergency Coordinator Washington Street Middletown, CT 06457
Middlesex Memorial HospitalEmergency Coordinator Middlesex Hospital 28 Crescent Street Middletown, CT. 06457
American Environmental Technologies(Spill Contractor)2666 State Street Hamden, CT. 06517 Attn: Ellen Lucas


Date of this review: ———- Reviewer: ———-

CRITERIA (Did any of these occur in the past year?) CHANGE Yes No
The list of Emergency Coordinators changed, or other key contact changed. This includes phone and address changes, as well as names of personnel. – –
The list of emergency equipment changed. – –
The plan failed in an emergency. – –
The regulations governing the scope and extent of the plan were revised. – –
A significant change was made in the physical layout of a process or a portion of the plant. – –
A change was made in plant operations or maintenance practices that substantially increases the risk or extent of an emergency. – –
A circumstance arose that could increase the risk or extent of an emergency. – –

—— There are no changes since the last emergency plan review.

—— Changes have occurred, and the plan must be modified as follows:

Emergency Response Procedure 1 NOTIFICATION FOR A CSA EMERGENCY

All Personnel

  • There are two primary means for notification in an emergency: a fire alarm is triggered if the fire suppression system is activated, or the EC or a laboratory instructor makes a verbal announcement.
  • On seeing a fire, explosion or release of dangerous material in or near the CSA, leave the location, and direct any students or staff to also leave the area. Close doors behind you.
  • If you haven't heard an announcement or an alarm, pick up the nearest phone in a safe location near an exit on the way out, and advise Public Safety (911) of the accident and its location (Hall-Atwater, Room 50).
  • Stay away from the accident location, unless you have been given a function to perform specifically at the direction of the EC.
  • Hearing a fire alarm or an evacuation message, evacuate the building by the nearest safe exit. Open interior doors cautiously. Do not open fire doors.

Emergency Coordinator (EC)

  • Report to the accident location if safe to do so.
  • Evaluate the situation and determine the necessary response actions.
  • Decide on whether general evacuation, or evacuation of specific parts of the building, is appropriate.
  • Pick up the nearest phone in a safe location and advise Public Safety (911) that the building (or section of the building) is being evacuated.

Emergency Response Procedure 2 EVACUATION OF THE CSA AREA

All Personnel

  • • On hearing a fire alarm or an evacuation message, evacuate the CSA area by the nearest safe exit. Go to the closest outside door; do not travel through the building. Figure ERP2-1 on the reverse shows the interior evacuation routes from the CSA area. Open doors cautiously, if smoke or fumes are present, use another exit
  • On seeing a fire, explosion or accidental release of dangerous material, leave the CSA area. Close doors behind you. Pick up the nearest phone in a safe location near an exit on the way out, and advise Public Safety (911) of the accident and its location (Hall-Atwater, Room 50).
  • Take coats and personal belongings only if they are immediately accessible. Do not go elsewhere in the building.
  • Proceed immediately to the primary rally point, which is the entry hall of Shanklin Laboratory. Stay clear of all spills, vapors, fumes or smoke. Figure ERP2-2 on the reverse shows the outside evacuation routes and rally points.
  • If the primary rally point is affected smoke from a building fire, proceed to the secondary rally point, which is the Olin Memorial Library across Church Street to the north.
  • It is essential to report to the rally point. All laboratory staff personnel and students evacuated must be accounted for. Do not leave the rally point until you have been logged down and have permission to leave.
  • Do not return to the building, and do not attempt to retrieve your belongings, until the EC or other person in charge has determined that it is safe to do so.

Emergency Coordinator (EC)

  • Evaluate the accident situation and determine the necessary response actions.
  • Decide on whether general evacuation, or evacuation of specific areas around the CSA, is appropriate.
  • Pick up the nearest phone in a safe location and advise Public Safety (911) that the building (or part of it) is being evacuated.
  • Remind personnel being evacuated of the primary and secondary rally points.
  • Advise the Fire Department on arrival, of any laboratory staff personnel or students who may still be in the affected area.

Public Safety

  • Ask the EC (or other caller) if the Fire Department should be called. If uncertain, do it.
  • If the caller was not the EC, page the EC's in the order listed until one calls back. Advise the EC of the situation.

Laboratory Staff Personnel

  • At the rally point, account for staff, students and visitors known to be in the CSA or affected areas of the building.
  • Advise the EC (or Fire Department Incident Commander) of any personnel unaccounted for.

Figure ERP2-1. Interior Evacuation Routes from CSA Area

Figure ERP2-2: Rally Points for Evacuation from CSA Area


  • On hearing a fire alarm or an evacuation message, evacuate the CSA area by the nearest safe exit. Proceed immediately to the primary rally point. (See the emergency response procedure for evacuation.) Stay clear of all spills, vapors, fumes or smoke.
  • On seeing a serious fire or explosion in or near the CSA area, pick up the nearest phone in a safe location and advise Public Safety of the accident and its location (Hall-Atwater, Room 50).
  • Do not stay around the scene of a fire unless you are specifically requested to help by the EC.

Emergency Coordinator (EC)

  • Call Public Safety (911) and advise Dispatch that the Fire Department is needed.
  • Order a general evacuation of the building. (See the emergency response procedure for evacuation.)
  • Before you put on your respirator, make sure it has a fresh cartridge. If not, get a new cartridge or entire new respirator from one of the crash carts.
  • Put on your respirator and seat it properly. Assure that all other personnel helping out have respirators.
  • Approach the fire scene cautiously. Avoid opening doors more than necessary. Make observations from other doors, windows or points of access. If necessary to open any door, do it cautiously. Evaluate the situation, but from a protected position and only if it is safe to do so. Identify the nature, source, amount and area extent of the released material to the degree possible.
  • Note the location of any victims of fumes or explosions. Do not attempt rescue unless it can be done safely, and unless you have a backup observer and respiratory protection, and are sure there is sufficient oxygen available in the air.
  • Assess potential hazards to human health or the environment, including possible toxic gas generation and surface water runoff.
  • If the fire involves electrical equipment, shut off the circuit breaker for that equipment, or for that section of the building if it is possible to do it safely.
  • Stand by for Fire Department arrival, outside the building in a safe place.
  • Brief the Fire Department Incident Commander on the situation. Advise him of the approximate amount of flammable or hazardous material at risk of burning.
  • Position absorbent pads or booms from the spill kits to intercept the drainage paths for spill runoff. See the emergency response procedure for releases to the environment.
  • Call the agencies as indicated in the emergency response procedure for reporting releases.
  • Note any drainage paths taken by the fire-fighting water, for reference during the recovery phase.
  • If anyone is overcome by exposure to vapors or smoke, or by direct contact, follow the emergency response procedure for injuries.

Laboratory Staff Personnel

  • If an evacuation is ordered, follow the emergency response procedure for evacuation. Shut down any ongoing experiments to the degree feasible.
  • Provide assistance and equipment to the EC as he directs.

Emergency Response Procedure 4 SPILL CONTAINED INSIDE THE CSA

All Personnel

  • On hearing a fire alarm or an evacuation message, evacuate the CSA area by the nearest safe exit. Proceed immediately to the primary rally point. (See the emergency response procedure for evacuation.) Stay clear of all spills, vapors, fumes or smoke.
  • Advise the EC immediately of all spills discovered in the CSA area, including those of a small or housekeeping nature.
  • Do not converge on the scene of a spill unless you are specifically asked to help by the EC.

Emergency Coordinator (EC)

  • Evaluate the situation and determine the necessary response actions. If there is a potential for the initiation or spread of a fire or release, shut down all CSA operations and activities.
  • Decide on whether a general building evacuation, or evacuation of specific areas of the building, is appropriate. (See the emergency response procedure for evacuation.)
  • Call Public Safety (911) if the situation is serious, or has the potential for a fire or explosion to develop.
  • Before you put on your respirator, make sure it has a fresh cartridge. If not, get a new cartridge or entire new respirator from a crash cart.
  • Put on your respirator and seat it properly before approaching the spill.
  • Put on gloves and protective clothing as appropriate.
  • Assure that all other personnel helping out have respirators, gloves and protective clothing as appropriate.
  • Contain the spill as close to the source as is safely possible. Construct a dike of absorbent socks, pads or pillows as appropriate from an emergency spill kit.
  • Ground all drums or metal containers being used for clean up of volatile compounds. Do not allow powered hand trucks or forklifts to be operated in the cleanup area.
  • Scoop or sop up the diked liquid (as appropriate depending on viscosity). Containerize liquids and solids (absorbent socks, pads or pillows) separately to the degree feasible. Move containers out of the spill area as they are filled, and into the CSA.
  • If cleaning up a solvent spill, assure prompt action by all involved personnel to minimize evaporation to the degree possible, and to minimize any permeation through the concrete floor (which may be permeable to several solvents). Evaporation will occur to some degree with most solvents while cleanup is in progress, especially if ventilation is needed to reduce vapor levels for safety purposes. However, evaporation is not to be used as a cleanup method.

Laboratory Staff Personnel

  • If the alarm sounds or an evacuation is ordered, follow the emergency response procedure for evacuation.
  • Provide assistance and equipment to the EC as he directs.

Emergency Response Procedure 5 RELEASE TO THE ENVIRONMENT All Personnel

  • On hearing a fire alarm or an evacuation message over the PA system, evacuate the CSA area by the nearest safe exit. Proceed immediately to the primary rally point. (See the emergency response procedure for evacuation.) Stay clear of all spills, vapors, fumes or smoke.
  • On seeing a release involving spills of solvents or escape of vapors or dust or other airborne chemicals to the environment, pick up the nearest phone in a safe location and advise Public Safety of the release and its location with respect to the CSA and the Hall-Atwater building.
  • Do not stay around the scene of a release unless you are specifically requested to help by the Emergency Coordinator.

Emergency Coordinator (EC)

  • Decide on whether general evacuation, or evacuation of specific areas of the Hall-Atwater building, is appropriate. (See the emergency response procedure for evacuation.)
  • Call Public Safety (911) if the situation appears serious, or has the potential for a fire or explosion to develop.
  • Before you put on your respirator, make sure it has a fresh cartridge. If not, get a new cartridge or entire new respirator from one of the crash carts.
  • Put on your respirator and seat it properly before approaching the spill.
  • Put on gloves and protective clothing as appropriate.
  • Contain the spill as close to the source as is safely possible. Construct a dike of absorbent socks, pads or pillows as appropriate from an emergency spill kit.
  • If the spill is on public property (Lawn Avenue or Church Street), ask Public Safety for police support to direct and control traffic and prevent exposures or accidental ignition.
  • To the degree feasible, turn any damaged container to a position to stop the leak, and pack the container in a suitable over-pack or transfer the contents to an intact container.
  • Identify the nature, source, amount and area extent of the released material.
  • Assess potential hazards to human health or the environment, including possible toxic gas generation and surface runoff toward a catch basin.
  • For any large spills, or spills in rainfall or snowmelt runoff running down Lawn Avenue or Church Street toward a catch basin, or across a parking lot toward a catch basin, dike around the basin with an absorbent boom from an emergency spill kit.
  • Take the same action for water runoff from fire-fighting, provided it can be done safely without interfering with Fire Department operations.
  • Call the agencies as listed in the emergency response procedure for reporting releases.
  • If Fire Department personnel want to wash down a spill area, advise them to reconsider it and refer them to the DEP. (It may be better environmentally to soak up certain spills with absorbents and sand, and to clean the residual from the pavement, than to wash a spill into the soil or a storm drain.)
  • Note the path taken by the spill, and sketch it for reference during the recovery phase.
  • If anyone is overcome by exposure to vapors or by direct contact, follow the emergency response procedure for injuries.

Emergency Response Procedure 6 POWER FAILURE IN THE CSA AREA All Personnel

  • Emergency lighting will come on. Loss of power will not affect any fire protection equipment or evacuation routes.
  • Await instructions from your supervisor, laboratory instructor, or EC.

Emergency Coordinator (EC)

  • Examine the CSA to check for any potentially hazardous conditions left unattended, and take appropriate actions.
  • Verify that any open containers in the CSA have been closed.
  • Close and lock the CSA door for the duration of the power outage.


Emergency Coordinator (EC)

  • In addition to the emergency calls to Public Safety (911), and as soon as possible after the immediate emergency response steps have been taken, report an emergency by phone as appropriate to the agencies shown below, as appropriate.
  • Use Figure ERP7-1 below, as a format for quickly collecting and organizing information for this phone report. Before making any report, try to get as much information as is readily available. Don't delay reporting overly long just because the information is incomplete. Not all of the information will be required by all the agencies, but try to assemble it all so you have it handy.
  • Make sure the post-emergency recovery actions are taken, per Emergency Plan Section 7. Particularly, within 24 hours after the emergency, mail or fax the DEP follow-up report. Save the fax transmittal receipt along with the report, or mail the report to DEP registered, return receipt requested.
Type of Emergency LEPC 911 (Dispatch) DEP 424-3338 NRC 1-800-424-8802 SERC 424-4856
Fire with no hazardous material/waste involvement Immediately call Middletown 911 if help is needed. If not, report to non-emergency number as a courtesy.
Fire or explosion involving hazardous materials/wastes Mandatory immediate reportMandatory immediate report, if any release gets outside building (including airborne)Mandatory report within 24 hours, if any release gets outside building and exceeds reportable quantity (RQ)Mandatory immediate report, if any release gets outside building (including airborne)
Large spill, but totally contained inside CSA or buildingDiscretionary immediate report (activated Emergency Plan)Discretionary immediate report (report if release is possible)
Release of hazardous materials/wastes to environment Mandatory immediate report Mandatory immediate report Mandatory report within 24 hours, if release exceeds reportable quantity (RQ)Mandatory immediate report
  • LEPC = Local Emergency Planning Committee
  • DEP = Department of Environmental Protection
  • NRC = National Response Center
  • SERC = State Emergency Response Commission

What to Say Example Entries


  • My name is —–,I'm the Emergency Coordinator at Wesleyan University.
  • My call-back phone number is —–,area code 860.
    • Give your name. (Also, jot down the name of the person you're speaking with.)


  • The emergency is located at —–,on the Wesleyan campus in Middletown, Connecticut.
  • Our EPA ID number is CTD 012345678.
    • Give the precise location of the accident or spill or other problem.
    • EPA ID number only needed if incident involves hazardous waste.


  • I'm reporting a —–.
  • The chemical involved is —–
  • This is a —–
  • The CAS number is —–
  • The UN/NA number is —–.
  • This —– above the federal RQ for this chemical.
  • It's in a —– form.
  • Spill to ground, spill to waterway, chemical fire, escape of chemical vapors, internal spill incident, etc.
  • Proper chemical name.
  • Hazardous chemical or hazardous waste, or both.
  • State it if you know it.
  • State it if you know it.
  • Is, is not, may be.
    • Solid (pellets), powder, liquid, compressed gas.


  • The release began on —– at —–.
  • It is expected to continue for —– more hours.
  • Date and time.
  • Estimate of duration.


  • —– injuries have been reported at the facility.
  • The chemical —– moved offsite.
  • The probability the chemical will migrate offsite is —–.
  • This —– a possible serious public health threat.
  • The nature of the threat is —–.
  • Nearby campus buildings and residences have been advised to —–.
  • The health risks from exposure are:—–.
  • The medical / first aid measures are: —–.
  • None, number.
  • Has, has not, may have.
  • High, moderate, low.
  • Is, is not (if you know).
  • Airborne exposure, contact.
  • Shelter, evacuate, standby for advisory, take no action.
  • Eye and skin irritation, dizziness.
  • Remove victim to fresh air, remove contaminated clothing, flush eyes, wash skin.


  • This a possible serious environmental contamination problem.
  • The nature of the problem is.
  • Is, is not (if you know).
  • Deposition of fire byproducts on lawns or gardens, surface water contamination.

Emergency Response Procedure 8


All Personnel

  • From the nearest phone, call Public Safety (911).
  • Administer first aid, if qualified.

Emergency Coordinator

  • If victim is not breathing, give CPR. If a victim is overcome by exposure to fumes, move to fresh air.
  • Do not move a victim with an apparent back or neck injury from a fume area; instead ventilate the area to remove fumes, and then give the victim oxygen if available.
  • Avoid contact with any chemical spilled on victim’s clothing.
  • Call 911, ask for an Emergency Medical dispatch. Information on materials to which the victim was exposed should be provided to the dispatcher, along with a callback number for follow-up questions from the hospital.
  • For skin or eye contact, flush with water for 15 minutes.
  • For resinous solutions or coatings, remove from skin and flush with water for 15 minutes.
  • With gloves on, remove the victim’s contaminated clothing/or and shoes.
business_continuity_plan/chapter3_3_7.txt · Last modified: 2006/09/05 22:06 (external edit)