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HPC: Will it fly?

The attendance at the UUG meetings so far has been very disappointing. It's apparent that the V charisma was a horizontal penetration of the market place so to speak with little vertical leverage. The sun has set beyond the horizon, alumnification has set in. Now what? We need departmental admins to show up and others in charge of maintaining unix machines on campus. We have a solid group of ITS folks showing up so this could be a real resource for those attending. I'm ready to declare the UUG defunct.

The format of splitting the hour into half about the academic compute cluster and half about a general unix topic (application, sysadmin or network topic) is working fairly well i think. So perhaps i'm going to start a new list to drive this group: High Performance Computing at wesleyan. Broaden the scope. Initially this can focus on cluster deployment activities. In the future it would more focus on complex topics like parallel coding, complex problems in diverse disciplines, leveraging unix/linux to solve those problems, etc. The HPC. But it would also focus on the fundamentals underneath; how to maintain operating systems, ease administration, and set up protected production servers.

This new users' group should be comprised of all users that will have an account on the academic compute cluster(s), all users in general interested in unix, all users interested in high performance computing, and all system administrators in general (departmental and ITS). We can select topics from each area on a rotation basis for more diversity. That's what i'm thinking now.

Henk Meij 2007/02/22 09:32

UUG: Meeting Notes



  • Intros
  • Cluster Update (Tourguide: Henk)
  • Parallel Computing (Tourguide: Henk) –not enough time for this topic–
  • Q&A: questions about resources and saturation were raised and answered.


none taken, but about 25 folks showed up.



  • Intros
  • Cluster Update & Viewing (Tourguide: Henk)
  • Tomcat Install: as non-root, with ssl, and iptables redirects (Henk)
  • Future Topics: SAN/NAS environment, VLAN/network environment, WesMon cacti? Perhaps some basic unix?
  • Q&A: nothing was raised.


~1 student, ~2 faculty, ~4 ITS staff



  • Intros (Jolee)
  • UUG: future meeting topics? format? best time? (Henk)

Topics for future meetings suggested included: LAMP/PEAR, Cacti (“WesMon”), SGE, running windows apps under linux (MM & IE). It was also suggested that some information is generated regarding “support infrastructure”, that is how do departmental admins and other administrators get hands-on experience on certain aspects of linux administration (as in, design some workshops based on needs).

The unix_users_group lyris list has been dropped out of moderation status in the hope those that wished to unsubscribe are now gone. About 70 wesleyan email addresses were dropped, roughly 150 wesleyan email addresses remain subscribed.

  • A Brief History of Our Vapor Cluster (Henk)

You can read all about it here

  • Quote Update (if any new details, James)

Skipped, no news.

A detailed overview with supporting links can be found here. A generic cluster was described and how ROCKS would go about managing the operating system distribution and propagate changes throughout the cluster work nodes.

  • Q&A (about unix … problems, solutions, ideas)

Question was raised if “411” is available outside of ROCKS. Source can be found at


~2 students, ~2 faculty, ~5 ITS staff


cluster/12.txt · Last modified: 2007/10/18 15:18 (external edit)