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Replace Dell Racks

A Novella: Replace the Dell Racks with new hardware
Subtitle: A win-win solution proposed by Physical Plant and ITS

Once upon a time, back in 2013, two Dell racks full of compute nodes, sat noisily chewing away energy on the 5th floor of Science Tower. They sucked in nicely cooled air from the floor spewing it out the back of the racks at 105-110 degrees (F). They were giving the three Liebert cooling towers a run for their BTUs. So much so that if one failed the Dell racks needed to be powered down to avoid the data center reaching temperatures beyond 95 degrees (F). The Dell racks were in a foul mood since that last event not too long ago. And so, day after day, they consumed lots of BTUs, and with the ample supply of Watts coming from their L6-30 roots, converted it all into heat. Tons of heat, making life lousy for the Liebert family. Oh, and they performed some computational work too, but if even they did not, the energy consumption remained the same. That's a fact. They were 6 years old and determined to make it to 12. So the story goes.

The end.


cluster/123.1381412893.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/10 13:48 by hmeij