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So we need a day of down time to switch file server functionality from greentail to sharptail. It would be nice if everybody did not loose any computational progress. To do that, we need to learn to checkpoint at the application level. If a node crashes or power is lost, those applications can then restart the job from the last checkpoint.

I've decided to support one checkpoint/restart utility, The Berkeley Laboratory Checkpoint/Restart tool. Hence this page.

BLCR consists of two kernel modules, some user-level libraries, and several command-line executables. No kernel patching is required. Modules are loading upon boot via /etc/rc.local. The modules are dependent on the kernel source where the compilation took place. So for our first supported BLRC modules I've chosen the mw256 queue and nodes. Here is some documentation on BLCR

# are modules loaded
[hmeij@n33 blcr]$ lsmod | grep blcr
blcr                  115529  0
blcr_imports           10715  1 blcr

# set env
export PATH=/share/apps/blcr/0.8.5/mw256/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/share/apps/blcr/0.8.5/mw256/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

# is it all working
[hmeij@n33 blcr]$ cr_checkpoint --help
Usage: cr_checkpoint [options] ID           

General options:
  -v, --verbose          print progress messages to stderr.
  -q, --quiet            suppress error/warning messages to stderr.
  -?, --help             print this message and exit.              
      --version          print version information and exit.  

[hmeij@n33 blcr]$ cr_run ./t-20001030-01 > context 2>&1 & [1] 12789

[hmeij@n33 blcr]$ ps


12789 pts/29 00:00:00 t-20001030-01 12817 pts/29 00:00:00 ps 28257 pts/29 00:00:00 bash

[hmeij@n33 blcr]$ sleep 30 [hmeij@n33 blcr]$ cr_checkpoint –term 12789 [1]+ Terminated cr_run ./t-20001030-01 > context 2>&1

[hmeij@n33 blcr]$ mv context

[hmeij@n33 blcr]$ cr_restart ./context.12789 > context 2>&1 & [1] 13579 [hmeij@n33 blcr]$ sleep 30 [hmeij@n33 blcr]$ kill %1 [1]+ Terminated cr_restart ./context.12789 > context 2>&1

[hmeij@n33 blcr]$ tail * * * * * [hmeij@n33 blcr]$ head context * * * * *

cluster/124.1383241813.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/31 17:50 by hmeij