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Will be adding answers as we go along.

What is it?

Our current platform to provide disk storage capacity for users and groups is called Flexstorage. In this model users and groups would purchase storage as needed for backup, replication and/or snapshosts. Our next platform will be called Rstore (stands for remote or research storage) and in this model disk space is allocated to users and groups upon request. Both platforms are made up of lots of slow spinning disks and should not be used if performance is required.

How do I access it?

You will use your Wesleyan Active Directory (AD) credentials, that is, the username/password combination used to access all other Wesleyan services. There will be two service adresses: and These targets are each backed with a pair of integrated storage and server modules (rstoresrv[0&1] for rstore0 and rstoresrv[2&3] for rstore2). The service addresses will point to the primary member of each pair. During a fail over event the secondary will become the primary and handle the traffic for that service address. The failed primary, after being fixed, will then resurface as secondary.

How is is confiugred?

Each primary/secondary pair contain a /home directory that is kept up to date. This is solely for SSH access. Users quotas are very small (10 MB) and should only be sued for scripts for example. Each primary/secondary's disk arrays is carved up in into four areas to hold shares (/data/1, /data/2, /data3 and /data/4). The shares will be distributed across the four 26 TB data filesystems allowing all shares room for growth.

The secondary members within each pair, nightly replicate any new data from the primary via a pulling action. Please note that if a file is missing on primary, the file will be deleted on secondary. The frequency of “pulling” is described as nightly but depending on volume of delta changes can span more than 24 hours, it is continuous.

Is my data safe?

note to large users


cluster/135.1417636541.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/03 19:55 (external edit)