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HomeDir & Storage Options

The HPCC cluster's file server serves out all home directories to all nodes at location /home. It is 10 TB in size and it currently takes the nightly process of backup 1-2 hours to churn through. Making it larger would thus generate more traffic on /home. So we've, for now while it works for us, come up with this policy:

  • All users are under quota which automatically get increased by 100 GB increments.
  • When a user consumes 1024 GB (1 TB) the automatic increases stop.
    • this home file system is twice a month backed up from sharptail's to greentail's disk array
    • nightly snapshots (point in time backups) are done on sharptail disk array and stored there too

At this point users need to off load static content to other locations. Contents like old analyses, results of published papers, etc. Users typically have two options at this time:

  • Keep contents out of /home and migrate it to /archives (7 TB)
    • request a directory for you in this file system and move contents to it
    • this archive file system is twice a month backed up from sharptail's to greentail's disk array
  • Users with home directories of 500 GB in size should start considering moving data to /archives

Users whom are considered inactive have their home directories relocated to /archives/inactive

  • these accounts are kept around until we do an account edit and purge (has never happened so far)


cluster/136.1423604788.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/10 21:46 (external edit)