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SGI Altix 3000

The HPCC community has been offered a SGI Altix 3000 (purchased in 2006), basically a half rack on wheels (20U or so). The Altix has 4 IA-64 processors (family Itanium 2)which aren't particularly fast (1.3 Ghz), but The Altix has 96 GBytes of memory and so is useful for some large Gaussian jobs which aren't particularly suited to running on our current HPCC cluster design (More details to come on this issue).

It is running redhat AS2.1 (which definitely ages it) so basic Linux. The node has been configured to fit our environment and will provide

  • /home from file server sharptail, over ethernet
  • /sanscratch from scratch server greentail, over ethernet
  • Openlava 2.2 stand alone installation
  • icc/ifort version 8.1 on local disk
  • Gaussian version ?.?? on local disk

In order to use the local compilers you must “source” the following files

  .  /opt/intel_cc_80.8.1-028/bin/
  .  /opt/intel_fc_80.8.1-024/bin/

You can also find MKL libraries at /opt/intel/mkl60.

All Openlava commands work the same way as elsewhere in our HPCC environment. In order to use the SGI Altix you must SSH to the head/compute node from any of our “tail” login nodes (ie cottontail, swallowtail)


[root@hmeij ~]# ssh hmeij@cottontail hmeij@cottontail's password: Last login: Thu Oct 20 09:38:40 2016 from [hmeij@cottontail ~]$

# then

[hmeij@cottontail ~]$ ssh enzo [hmeij@enzo hmeij]$ bqueues QUEUE_NAME PRIO STATUS MAX JL/U JL/P JL/H NJOBS PEND RUN SUSP sgi96 50 Open:Active 4 - - 4 1 0 1 0



cluster/151.1476973890.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/20 14:31 by hmeij07