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  • Create a $1 Million+ CC* proposal to meet the research, staff and cyberinfrastructure
  • Needs/Wants of small, primarily undergraduate, northeast Higher Ed institutions
  • To share faculty expertise (current research projects and new collaborations)
  • To share staff expertise (deploy and support, sustain after grant period)
  • To share unique computational capabilities in a variety of disciplines
  • Establish a single, participants' wide, user directory with global access
  • Provide for multiple off-site, geographically dispersed, backup storage targets
  • Establish a global Data Management Plan for all institutions participation


  • Data Driven Multi-Campus/Multi-Institution Model, or/and Cyber Team
  • RFP mid March?



Until we have a 2017 CC* RFP announcements this is a list of random thoughts to keep track of.

  • Leverage a common HPC environment among small, northeast, colleges
    • we do science too (compare to larger colleges)
  • 1-3 sysadmin FTEs covering 3-6 colleges for 3 years
    • redundancy in sysadmin coverage, round robin
    • each member to assess how to provide funding past year 3
  • Possible Members (* indicates interested member):
    • Hamilton,Lafayette*,Middlebury,Trinity,Wellesley,Wesleyan*,Williams
  • Each member will do an internal survey of local computing and storage desires, put together 1-2 racks
    • gpu, cpu, hybrid of such, visualization, deep learning,etc…(no UPS, compute nodes)
    • infiniband enabled /home storage with ipoib, head node (both on UPS), sandbox
    • ethernet storage for backup with snapshots (LVM or (on UPS, switches)
    • possible off site backup of data, round robin, among members
  • Hardware desires/configs to be vetted for too much redundancy
    • Each site should offer something unique
    • Shared with whole community of members
    • Custom hardware requests highlight each member's area of expertise
  • Leverage a common HPC deployment software stack
    • OpenHPC ( with shared deployment modules
    • Application software modules to deploy per members' requirements
    • Commercial software?
    • Shared skill set with experts
    • Facilitate classroom usage (temp accounts cycled by semester?)
  • User account creation
    • Participants can request accounts on each members' installation
    • Local accounts with request workflow or InCommon?
    • Collaborative non-member account requests?
  • Meetings, ofcourse
    • of sysadmin group
    • of advisory group
  • Data Management Plan
    • To satisfy NSF public data access policy and ditribution
    • One site for all (Islandora, Dspace, ???). One members' expertise?


cluster/153.1488484382.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/02 19:53 by hmeij07