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Priority Access

This page will describe the Priority Access Policy in place at the current time (Jan 2020) for the HPCC. This policy was put in place about 3 years ago to deal with the issues surrounding new monies infusions from for example new faculty “startup monies”, new grant monies, or donations to the HPCC.

There are few Principles in this Priority Access Policy

  1. Contributions, of any kind and from any source, immediately becomes a community wide resource.
  2. Priority access is granted for 3 years starting at the date of deployment (user access).
  3. Only applies to newly purchased resources which should be under warranty in the priority period.

The main objective is to build an HPCC for all users with no (permanent) special treatment of a subgroup.

The first principle implies that all users have access to the new resources immidiately when deployed. Root privilege is for hpcadmin only, sudo privilge may be used if/when necessary to achieve some purpose. The hpcadmin will maintain the new resource(s) while configuration(s) of new resource(s) will be done by consent of all parties involved. Final approval by the Advisory Group initiates deployment activities.

The second principle grants priority access to certain resource(s) for a limited time to a limited group. The same PI/users relationship will be used as is used in the CPU Usage Contribution scheme. Priority access means if during the priority period the priority members jobs go into pending mode for more than 24 hours the hpcadmin will clear compute nodes of running jobs and force those pending jobs to run.

All users should be aware this may happen so please checkpoint your jobs with a checkpoint interval of 24 hours. Please consult BLCR Checkpoint in OL3 (serial jobs) and BLCR Checkpoint in OL3 (parallel jobs).


cluster/189.1578686275.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/10 19:57 by hmeij07