User Tools

Site Tools


This is an old revision of the document!


<hi #ffff00>For the recent set of tools go directly to</hi>

The rest of this page applies to OCS 4.1.1 (the old swallowtail), now defunct.

The tools described below can be found at <a href="" target=tools> <b></b></a>

⇒ Note that some of these tolls prompt for a password wihtout encryption (http vs https).

<hi orange>This is why i'm recommending to not use your Wesleyan email password on this cluster.</hi> Use your cluster username & password. I've submitted a product improvement request ;-)


Handy for administrator. No user access, sorry.


I suggest using the Lava GUI (listed next), it's provided by Platform, and includes a lot of more functionality to manage your jobs.

Lava GUI

Comprehensive tool to submit, modify and manage your jobs.

It also allows you to query the queues.

Excellent help pages!


handy! probably the handiest tool to surf the cluster anonymously
… load, hosts, queues, jobs, etc


Shows the current network usage. It displays a list of hosts that are currently using the network and reports information concerning the IP (Internet Protocol) and Fibre Channel (FC) traffic generated by each host. The traffic is sorted according to host and protocol.


A scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids.

Literally everything you wanted to know about the hardware and network.

Historical data, back one year!


Like unix top except for the entire clsuter.

One handy feature is to search for all processes on the cluster by username.

OCS User Guide

Interesting for those that want to know how it all works.

cluster/35.1252437047.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/09/08 19:10 by hmeij