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If you publish a paper where the cluster was used for calculation, please include the following acknowledgement:

“We thank Wesleyan University for computer time supported by the NSF under grant number CNS-0619508.”

If you paraphrase this, be sure to include the grant number! Please also send a copy the paper reference, so that it can be included in the annual report to the NSF, to Francis Starr (fstarr at wes).

List of Publications

  • Sheehan-Connor, D., Bergstrom, T., and Garratt, R. (2015) “Saving Lives with Stem Cell Transplants,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 51(1), 23-51.
  • “Zero kinetic energy photoelectron spectroscopy of tryptamine and the dissociation pathway of the singly hydrated cation cluster”, Quanli Gu and J. L. Knee, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 104312 (2012). DOI:10.1063/1.4752080
  • “Communication: Frequency shifts of an intramolecular hydrogen bond as a measure of intermolecular hydrogen bond strengths”, Quanli Gu, Carl Trindle and J. L. Knee, J. Chem. Phys., 137, 091101 (2012).
  • “Communication: Spectroscopic measurement of the binding energy of a carboxylic acid-water dimer”, Quanli Gu and J. L. Knee, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 171101 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4711862
  • Ericka C. Barnes, George A. Petersson, John A. Montgomery, Jr., Michael J. Frisch and Jan M. L. Martin, “Unrestricted Coupled Cluster and Brueckner Doubles Variations of W1 Theory,” J. Chem. Theory Comput. 5, 2687–2693 (2009).
  • Q. Gu and J.L. Knee “Binding energies and dissociation pathways in the Aniline-Ar2 cation complex”, Journal Chemical Physics 128, 064311 (2008).
  • A.J. Rahedi, J.F. Douglas, and F.W. Starr, ``Model for Reversible Nanoparticle Assembly in a Polymer Matrix,'' Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 024902 (2008).
  • J.D. Bodyfelt, J.A. Mendez-Bermudez, A. Chabanov, & T. Kottos, “Scaling properties of delay times in one-dimensional random media”, Physical Review B, volume 77, article 045103, 2008. Abstract Link
  • Gu, Q.; Knee, J. L “Cation Spectroscopy and Binding Energy Determination for 1,4-Benzodioxan−Ar1 and −Ar2 Complexes”, J. Phys. Chem. A.; (Article); 2008; 112(30); 6823-6828


cluster/53.1443550436.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/29 18:13 by hmeij