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Home Dirs

SSH Keys

Within the directory /home/username/.ssh there is a file named authorized_keys. Within this file are your public SSH keys. Because your home directory contents are copied over to host greentail, you should be able to ssh from host petaltail or swallowtail to host greentail without a password prompt. If not, your keys are not set up properly.

You can also log in to host greentail directly (ssh From host greentail should be able to to ssh to host petaltail or swallowtail without a password prompt. If not, your keys are not set up properly.

To set up your ssh keys:

  • log into a host, then issue the command ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • supply an empty passphrase (just hit return)
  • then copy the contents of /home/username/.ssh/ into the file authroized_keys
  • yoiu can have multiple public ssh key entries in this file

Note: the software stack on host petaltail/swallowtail created ssh keys for you automatically upon your first login, so for most you this is all set.

To test if your keys are set up right, simply ssh around the hosts petaltail, swallowtail and greentail.



cluster/93.1294431206.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/01/07 20:13 by hmeij