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cluster:134 [2014/08/19 19:43]
hmeij [High Throughput]
cluster:134 [2014/08/22 13:05] (current)
hmeij [MPI]
Line 101: Line 101:
 [[]] [[]]
 +Vanilla out of the box with these changes
   * MaxJobCount=120000   * MaxJobCount=120000
Line 128: Line 130:
-Debug Level is 3. Falling back to proctrack/pgid and set debug to level 1. Also setting SchedulerType=sched/builtin (removing the backfill).+Debug Level is 3 above. Falling back to proctrack/pgid while setting debug to level 1. Also setting SchedulerType=sched/builtin (removing the backfill). This is throughput allright, just 8 KVM nodes handling the jobs.
-^NrJobs^N^hh:mm^ +^NrJobs^N^hh:mm:ss
-| 1,000|8|00:??|  +| 1,000|8|00:00:34|  
-|10,000|8|00:??|  +|10,000|8|00:05:57|  
-|25,000|8|00:??|  +|25,000|8|00:15:07|  
- (also added a proplog/epilog script to my submit job script which will created /localscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID, echo the date into file foo, then cat foo to standard out and finish with removing the scratch dir). These prolog/epilog actions needs to be done by slurmd but so far it errors for me.+ Next will add a proplog/epilog script to my submit job script which will create  
 +/localscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID, echo the date into file foo, then cat foo to standard out and finish with removing the scratch dir. These prolog/epilog actions needs to be done by slurmd but so far it errors for me.  Does slow things down a bit. Same conditions as above. 
 +#SBATCH --job-name="NUMBER" 
 +#SBATCH --output="tmp/outNUMBER" 
 +#SBATCH --begin=10:00:00 
 +# unique job scratch dir 
 +export MYLOCALSCRATCH=/localscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID 
 +date  >> foo 
 +cat foo  
 +| 1,000|8|00:05:00|  
 +| 5,000|8|00:23:43|  
 +==== MPI ==== 
 +With ''sbatch'' there is no need for a wrapper script, slurm figures it all out. 
 +#SBATCH --job-name="MPI" 
 +#SBATCH --ntasks=8 
 +#SBATCH --begin=now 
 +# unique job scratch dir 
 +#export MYLOCALSCRATCH=/localscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID 
 +rm -rf err out logfile mdout restrt mdinfo 
 +export PATH=/share/apps/openmpi/1.2+intel-9/bin:$PATH 
 +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/share/apps/openmpi/1.2+intel-9/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
 +which mpirun 
 +mpirun /share/apps/amber/9+openmpi-1.2+intel-9/exe/pmemd -O \ 
 +-i inp/ -p -c \ 
 +When submitted we see 
 +            902246      test      MPI    hmeij  R       0:05      8 v[1-8] 
 +Dumping the environment we observe some key parameters 
 +And in the slurmjob.log file 
 +JobId=902245 UserId=hmeij(8216) GroupId=its(623) \ 
 +Name=MPI JobState=COMPLETED Partition=test TimeLimit=UNLIMITED \ 
 +StartTime=2014-08-21T15:55:06 EndTime=2014-08-21T15:57:04 \ 
 +NodeList=v[1-8] NodeCnt=8 ProcCnt=8 WorkDir=/home/hmeij/1g6r/cd 
 \\ \\
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cluster/134.1408477381.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/19 19:43 by hmeij