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cluster:155 [2017/03/23 14:25]
cluster:155 [2017/04/05 12:35] (current)
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-==== OpenHPC ====+==== OpenHPC page 2====
 Additional tools for the OpenHPC environment. First add these two lines to SMS and all compute nodes. Patch CHROOT as well. Additional tools for the OpenHPC environment. First add these two lines to SMS and all compute nodes. Patch CHROOT as well.
Line 17: Line 17:
   * Skipping SSH restrictions for users   * Skipping SSH restrictions for users
 +    * Set up password less logins ''ssh-keygen -t rsa''
 +    * ''cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys''
 +    * Collect all server fingerprints and make a global ''known_hosts'' file in ~/.ssh/
   * Skipping Luster installation   * Skipping Luster installation
Line 23: Line 26:
 <code> <code>
-yum -y groupinstall ohpc-nagios + yum -y groupinstall ohpc-nagios 
-yum -y --installroot=/data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 install nagios-plugins-all-ohpc nrpe-ohpc + yum -y --installroot=/data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 install nagios-plugins-all-ohpc nrpe-ohpc 
-chroot /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 systemctl enable nrpe + chroot /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 systemctl enable nrpe 
-perl -pi -e "s/^allowed_hosts=/# allowed_hosts=/"  /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg + perl -pi -e "s/^allowed_hosts=/# allowed_hosts=/"  /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg 
-echo "nrpe 5666/tcp # NRPE" >> /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2/etc/services + echo "nrpe 5666/tcp # NRPE" >> /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2/etc/services 
-echo "nrpe : : ALLOW" >> /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2/etc/hosts.allow + echo "nrpe : : ALLOW" >> /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2/etc/hosts.allow 
-echo "nrpe : ALL : DENY" >> /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2/etc/hosts.allow + echo "nrpe : ALL : DENY" >> /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2/etc/hosts.allow 
-chroot /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 /usr/sbin/useradd -c "NRPE user for the NRPE service" \+ chroot /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 /usr/sbin/useradd -c "NRPE user for the NRPE service" \
        -d /var/run/nrpe -r -g nrpe -s /sbin/nologin nrpe        -d /var/run/nrpe -r -g nrpe -s /sbin/nologin nrpe
-mv /etc/nagios/conf.d/services.cfg.example /etc/nagios/conf.d/services.cfg + mv /etc/nagios/conf.d/services.cfg.example /etc/nagios/conf.d/services.cfg 
-mv /etc/nagios/conf.d/hosts.cfg.example /etc/nagios/conf.d/hosts.cfg + mv /etc/nagios/conf.d/hosts.cfg.example /etc/nagios/conf.d/hosts.cfg 
-perl -pi -e "s/HOSTNAME1/n29/ || s/HOST1_IP/" /etc/nagios/conf.d/hosts.cfg + perl -pi -e "s/HOSTNAME1/n29/ || s/HOST1_IP/" /etc/nagios/conf.d/hosts.cfg 
-perl -pi -e "s/HOSTNAME2/n31/ || s/HOST2_IP/" /etc/nagios/conf.d/hosts.cfg + perl -pi -e "s/HOSTNAME2/n31/ || s/HOST2_IP/" /etc/nagios/conf.d/hosts.cfg 
-perl -pi -e "s/ \/bin\/mail/\/usr\/bin\/mailx/g" /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg + perl -pi -e "s/ \/bin\/mail/\/usr\/bin\/mailx/g" /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg 
-perl -pi -e "s/nagios\@localhost/root\@ohpc0-test/" /etc/nagios/objects/contacts.cfg + perl -pi -e "s/nagios\@localhost/root\@ohpc0-test/" /etc/nagios/objects/contacts.cfg 
-chkconfig nagios on + chkconfig nagios on 
-systemctl start nagios + systemctl start nagios 
-chmod u+s `which ping` + chmod u+s `which ping` 
-echo "relayhost =" >> /etc/postfix/ + echo "relayhost =" >> /etc/postfix/ 
-echo "root:           hmeij@wes..." >> /etc/aliases + echo "root:           hmeij@wes..." >> /etc/aliases 
-newaliases + newaliases 
-systemctl restart postfix+ systemctl restart postfix
 # recreate vnfs and reimage nodes, see page1 # recreate vnfs and reimage nodes, see page1
-wwvnfs -y --chroot /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 + wwvnfs -y --chroot /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 
-/root/ /root/
 </code> </code>
   * Page1 [[cluster:154|OpenHPC]]   * Page1 [[cluster:154|OpenHPC]]
 +  * Reset nagiosadmin password ''htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/passwd nagiosadmin''
 +  * Open port 80 in iptables but restrict severely (plain text passwords)
 +  * http://localhost/nagios
 +  * On to Ganglia
 + yum -y groupinstall ohpc-ganglia
 + yum -y --installroot=/data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 install ganglia-gmond-ohpc
 +# import passwd, shadow and group files for new user account ganglia
 + mv /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf-orig
 + cp /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/ganglia/gmond.conf /etc/ganglia/
 +# use provision IP
 + perl -pi -e "s/<sms>/" /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf
 + cp /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2/etc/ganglia/
 + echo "gridname MySite" >> /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf
 + systemctl enable gmond
 + systemctl enable gmetad
 + systemctl start gmond
 + systemctl start gmetad
 + systemctl restart httpd
 + chroot /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2 systemctl enable gmond
 +# recreate vnfs and reimage nodes, see page1
 + wwvnfs -y --chroot /data/ohpc/images/centos7.2
 + /root/
 +  * http://localhost/ganglia
 +  * Not installing ClusterShell, pdsh is already installed
 +    * add compute hostnames to /etc/hosts.pdsh
 +    * ''echo export WCOLL=/etc/hosts.pdsh >> /root/.bashrc''
 +[root@ohpc0-test ~]# pdsh uptime
 +n31:  10:44:25 up 19:14,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 +n29:  10:44:25 up 19:19,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
 +  * Skip ''mrsh'' installation
 +  * Skip ''Genders'' installation
 +  * Skip ''ConMan'' installation, ipmi serial consoles
 +  * Skip ''rsysslog'' forwarding of compute node logs to SMS
 +  * Redefine ''ControlMachine'' in /etc/slurm.slurm.conf 
 +    * use eth0, not public address eth1
 +    * and CHROOT/etc/slurm/slurm.conf
 +    * import file back into database
 +Ran into a slurm config problem here on compue ndoes. When issuing ''systemctl status slurm'' the output revealed a failed start and it reported could not find /var/run/ ... that's the wrong pid process, compute nodes should only start slurmd. So finally got this fixed
 +# Removed file /etc/init.d/slurm
 +mv /etc/init.d/slurm /root/ 
 +# Made the following link
 +[root@n31 ~]# ls -l /etc/systemd/system/ 
 +lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 Mar 30 14:05 /etc/systemd/system/ -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/slurmd.service  
 +# now it starts properly
 +Mar 31 12:41:05 n31.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Slurm node daemon...
 +Mar 31 12:41:05 n31.localdomain systemd[1]: PID file /var/run/ not readable (yet?) after start.
 +Mar 31 12:41:05 n31.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Slurm node daemon.
 +  * Recreate vnfs, Reimage the whole kaboodle
 +Link to my previous eval of Slurm and job throughput testing: [[cluster:134|Slurm]]. Next submit some test jobs, explained on that page too.
 +Here are my current settings on slurm.conf in OpenHPC.
 +SlurmctldPort=6815-6817        <---                                                                          
 +StateSaveLocation=/etc/slurm/state    <---                                                                   
 +SlurmdSpoolDir=/etc/slurm/spool      <---
 +FirstJobId=101               <---
 +MaxJobCount=999999           <---
 +SchedulerType=sched/builtin <---
 +SchedulerPort=7321          <---
 +NodeName=ohpc0-slurm NodeAddr= 
 +NodeName=n29 NodeAddr=
 +NodeName=n31 NodeAddr= 
 +PartitionName=test Nodes=n29,n31 Default=YES MaxTime=INFINITE STATE=UP
 +Define CPUs, Cores, ThreadsPerCore, etc al later, run with Slurm self-discovered values for now.
 +[[cluster:154|OpenHPC page 1]] - page 2 - [[cluster:156|OpenHPC page 3]] - [[cluster:160|OpenHPC page 4]]
 \\ \\
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cluster/155.1490279152.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/23 14:25 by hmeij07