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HPC Survey 2017

“High-Performance Computing,” or HPC, is the application of “supercomputers” to computational problems that are either too large for standard computers or would take too long. HPC typically consists of a system manager server (SMS, also know as login node or master node) and compute nodes. HPC designs may differ but frequently offer high speed networks, large home directories, scratch space, archive space and a job scheduler. A provision application is used to reimage the compute nodes when needed.

Please answer any General or Technical questions that apply to you or your group. The intent of this survey is to properly size and identify components our computational needs. The time horizon is “within the next year”.

Q: Regarding your primary computational needs, identify your discipline and/or department.

Q: In two sentence identify your primary research area/project.

Q: If you do not currently use HPC do you anticipate using it in within next three years?

Q: IF you currently use HPC (local or remote), please give brief description (ie I use Jetstream/Stampede/…).

Q: Does your Department anticipate expanding/initiating computational activities in the curriculum, recruiting, current research projects?


cluster/159.1490807809.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/29 17:16 (external edit)