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cluster:160 [2017/05/30 15:07]
cluster:160 [2017/05/31 15:07]
hmeij07 [OpenHPC page 4]
Line 79: Line 79:
-In order to have users be able to send email from the jobs (from inside their jobs), like job progress reports, install mailx and post fix on the nodes. in ''/etc/postfix/'' define relayhost (like sms-eth0-private) and on SMS define a relayhost like On the nodes you will need to remove the /usr/sbin/sendmail link and create a new link to /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix.+In order to have users be able to send email from the jobs (from inside their jobs, like job progress reports), install mailx on the nodes. in ''/etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf'' define the relayhost (like sms-eth0-private) as the "mailhub"No other changes needed.
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cluster/160.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/05/31 15:07 by hmeij07