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cluster:167 [2018/08/01 14:03]
hmeij07 [July 2018]
cluster:167 [2018/08/01 14:11] (current)
hmeij07 [July 2018]
Line 72: Line 72:
-Based on the utilization string '0000', meaning all gpus are idle as polled every 15 mins during July 2018, the GTX gpus were 65% completely idle and the K20s were 61% completely idle.+Based on the utilization string '0000', meaning all gpus are idle on a single node as polled every 10 mins during July 2018, the GTX gpus were 65% completely idle and the K20s were 61% completely idle.
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cluster/167.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/08/01 14:11 by hmeij07