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cluster:208 [2022/06/03 12:30]
hmeij07 [gpu testing]
cluster:208 [2022/11/02 17:28] (current)
hmeij07 [gpu testing]
Line 419: Line 419:
   * so the limit to 4 jobs on rtx5000 gpu is a hardware phenomenon?   * so the limit to 4 jobs on rtx5000 gpu is a hardware phenomenon?
   * all 16 jobs finished, waal times of 3.11 to 3.60 hours   * all 16 jobs finished, waal times of 3.11 to 3.60 hours
 +===== gpu testing 2 =====
 +Newer 2022 version seems to have reversed the override options for oversubscribe. So here is our testing...back to CR_CPU_Memory and OverSubscribe=No   --- //[[|Henk]] 2022/11/02 13:23//
 +PartitionName=test Nodes=n[100-101] 
 +Default=YES MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP 
 +OverSubscribe=No DefCpuPerGPU=12
 +MPI jobs with -N 1, -n 8 and -B 2:4:1
 +no override options, cpus=48
 +--mem=2048, cpus=48
 +and --cpus-per-task=1, cpus=48
 +and  --ntasks-per-node=8, cpus=24
 +MPI jobs with -N, -n 8 and -B 1:8:1
 +--mem=10240 cpus=48
 +and --cpus-per-task=1, cpus=48
 +and  --ntasks-per-node=8, cpus=24
 +GPU jobs with -N 1, -n 1 and -B 1:1:1 
 +no override options, no cuda export, cpus=48
 +--cpus-per-gpu=1, cpus=24
 +and --mem-per-gpu=7168, cpus=1 (pending
 +while other gpu runs in queue but gpus are free???)
 +GPU jobs with -N 1, -n 1 and -B 1:1:1 
 +no override options, yes cuda export, cpus=48
 +--cpus-per-gpu=1, cpus=24
 +and --mem-per-gpu=7168, cpus=1 (resources pending
 +while a gpu job runs, gpus are free, then it executes)
 +...suddenly the cpus=1 turns into cpus=24
 +when submitting, slurm confused becuase of all
 +the job cancellations?
 +CR_CPU_Memory test=no, mwgpu=force:16
 +PartitionName=test Nodes=n[100-101] 
 +Default=YES MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP 
 +OverSubscribe=No DefCpuPerGPU=12
 +MPI jobs with -N 1, -n 8 and -B 2:4:1
 +no override options, cpus=8 (queue fills across nodes,
 +but only one job per node, test & mwgpu)
 +--mem=1024, cpus=8 (queue fills first node ...,
 +but only three jobs per node, test 3x8=24 full 4th job pending & 
 +mwgpu 17th job goes pending on n33, overloaded with -n 8 !!)
 +(not needed) --cpus-per-task=?, cpus=
 +(not needed)  --ntasks-per-node=?, cpus=
 +GPU jobs with -N 1, -n 1 and -B 1:1:1 on test
 +no override options, no cuda export, cpus=12 (one gpu per node)
 +--cpus-per-gpu=1, cpus=1 (one gpu per node)
 +and --mem-per-gpu=7168, cpus=1 (both override options
 +required else all mem allocated!, max 4 jobs per node,
 +fills first node first...cuda export not needed)
 +with cuda export, same node, same gpu,
 +with "no" enabled multiple jobs per gpu not accepted
 +GPU jobs with -N 1, -n 1 and -B 1:1:1 on mwgpu
 +and --mem-per-gpu=7168, cpus=1 
 +(same node, same gpu, cuda export set, 
 +with "force:16" enabled 4 jobs per gpu accepted,
 +potential for overloading!)
cluster/208.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/02 17:28 by hmeij07