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cluster:57 [2007/11/01 14:23]
cluster:57 [2007/11/01 14:23] (current)
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 +===== Cluster Steering Committee 10/29/2007 =====
 +Present: Jolee West, Henk Meij, Francis Starr, George Petersson, Ganesan Ravishanker
 +==== ToDos ====
 +  * continue to look for the person to fill the //Coordinator, Scientific Computing and Informatics Center//  position ...
 +  * address the need for more memory on the light weight nodes
 +  * delay the LSF/HPC upgrade by several weeks (to nov 15-16)
cluster/57.txt ยท Last modified: 2007/11/01 14:23 (external edit)