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Brief Description

For inclusion in proposals. This page is not maintained.

Academic High Performance Computing at Wesleyan

Wesleyan University HPC environment is comprised of two clusters: The “swallowtail” Dell hardware cluster and the “sharptail” Angstrom hardware clusters. A brief description of each follows.

Swallowtail consists of two login nodes, the Load Scheduler Facility (LSF) job scheduler, and 36 compute nodes. Each compute node is a dual quad core (Xeon 5345) Dell PowerEdge 1950 with memory footprints ranging from 8 GB to 16 GB. Total memory footprint of the cluster is 340 GB. A high speed interconnect (Infiniband) connects 16 of these compute nodes for parallel computational jobs. The scheduler manages access to 288 job slots across 7 queues. The cluster operating systems is Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.1.

Sharptail consists of one login node, the Lava job scheduler, and 129 compute nodes. Each compute node is a dual single core AMD Opteron Model 250 with a memory footprint of either 12GB or 24GB. Total memory footprint of the cluster is 1.3 TB. The scheduler manages access to 258 job slots across 4 queueus. The cluster operating systems is CentOS 5.3.

Home directory file systems are provided, and shared with both clusters, by a NetApp attached storage disk array. In total, 5 TB of disk space is accessible to the users. In addition backup services are provided using the IBM Tivoli software.


cluster/82.1259772834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/12/02 16:53 by hmeij