1. Plan for off-hours, student run, digitization facility Determine types of projects that can be pushed to this facility and how the triage will take place. Write detailed documentation for this facility with the help and input of current lab students. Set up realistic expectations for work to be accomplished. How should students handle unexpected problems?
2. Develop a framework for small media projects Define “small media project”. At what point does “small” become “huge”? Cite specific examples (i.e. jseamon, dpnelson). Write a work flow for a “typical” small media project.
3. Manage streaming video archive and plan for future growth Implement a metadata scheme for tracking library, departmental and personally owned video on the server. Assess server space requirements for the future and plan for this growth in conjunction with TSS.
4. MDL - TBD
Archaeology and new media – potential for improving visualizations and linked digital resources; build on previous work and focus future work; build expertise in this area.
Scholarly communications – projects with Wespress; explore possibility of building scholarly credibility of LOs/ born digital projects.
Climate Change – pilot project combining LO for use in classroom with museum installation.
Future: Work with Allynn, Phil, John to determine future collaboration of digitization services and learning objects
1. Refine and formalize all aspects of the multimedia classroom construction process, from the design to the sign-off on the job.
2. Utilize AMX Asset Manager software to improve multimedia classroom maintenance and troubleshooting practices.
3. RFID beta testing for IMS inventory solution.
Scholarly communications project
Educate faculty about issues surrounding scholarly communications
Assemble working group which will take specific actions to address the issues * web site * institutional repository * publishing support
Key player: Barbara Jones, Mike Roy, Associate Provost(?)
Milestones: meet with faculty in each division (December 06) Assemble working group (Jan 07) Institutional repository (Spring 07) Note: the working group will be charged with defining subsequent actions and timelines
Classroom recording
Create two-semester pilot to test methods of classroom recording and distribution
Key players: ACMs, Heric, Vince, Matt Elson
Milestones: Recruit faculty for pilot (summer 06) Evaluate automated capture systems; purchase and install (summer 06) Evaluate blogging software; purchase and install (summer 06) Acquire necessary recording gear, such as iPods, cameras, mics, digital recorders (summer 06) Record classes and events (fall 06) Record classes and events (spring 07) Evaluate pilot and establish classroom and event recording at an appropriate and sustainable level
Media management system
With a strong focus on images, identify a media management system and complementary tools that will best help faculty and students find, manage and present media.
Key players: Susanne Javorski, visual resources committee
Establish a digital teaching portfolio for instructors in the Less Commonly Taught Languages program. see template The portfolio will includes teaching philosophy, sample lesson plans, sample activities, resume, and a few video teaching samples. This will be beneficial to all since it will enhance the pedagogical discussions between the coordinator and the instructors in the program while providing with a professional and comprehensive portofolio.
Redesign and enhance the online language lab web site. Over the summer, we developed a new web site for the delivery of audio and video materials with focus on usability and new features which include a shockwave web audio recorder. see example An essential complement to this web site will be the Flash media server based excercise and assessment tool which will be developed this year with the help of Phil.
Implementation of digital video in the Self Instructional Language Program for different purposes. IP based video conferencing can enhance tremendously the experience of students wanting to learn a language not taught at Wesleyan. This year we are experimenting student/instructor meetings via videoconferencing in the hope of success and further implementation for student/student connections. Another use which will be explored is to create accountability for students enrolled in SILP programs. In the Spring, all students enrolled in a SILP will have to produce a bimonthly informal short digital video journal summarizing what they have studied. This will be done using an Imac with a built-in camera, quicktime, and blackboard.
International TV programming. Explore what options are available in order to make international TV programming available to the Wesleyan community - either via the campus wide cable network or maybe having a satelite system installed in Fisk and deliver the services in the LRC. All options and prices will be considered and a recommendation will be made. A key player will be Heric.
Modify the labs facilities to accommodate users with laptops.
Specific Activities Required to Meet the Goal Start working with the student lab managers on how we want to proceed with this idea Discuss the different ideas or designs
Create a system for better TV cable customer service
Specific Activities Required to Meet the Goal Prepare a group of students in order to check the TV cable system on different dorms and woodframe houses Meet people from Comcast
Share IMS student experience with other departments
Specific Activities Required to Meet the Goal Help the physics department to create a visualization group create objectives and goals Create the group of students and train them Work on the projects
Media Development Lab
1) Establish an up to date digital imaging department
a) Purchase a high end digital camera system b) Purchase a large format printer
2) Providing the service
a) Continue to assist faculty and students with graphic and photographic imaging needs. b) Continue to identify and define problem areas of projects. Rely on past experiences and new solutions to propose resonable, thought out solutions.
3) Poster printing
a) Training. Support faculty and students with professional design suggestions. Encourage smart software selection, taking into account specifics of the research. b) Provide handouts. c) Continue networking with other institutions re:large format printing
Domain: Fully develop and sustain tablet PC project in EES.
Specific Activities with Milestone Date:
Milestones and Dates:
Other Key Players:
Domain: Manage content server evaluation.
Specific Activities:
Milestones and Dates: By summer 2007 have established vendor choice.
Other Key Players:
Domain: Explore and implement Blackboard Building Block options with in-house programming to provide community system-like functionality (e.g., RSS feeds, broad use of roles).
Specific Activities:
Milestones and Dates:
Other Key Players:
Domain: Examine use of and improve student and faculty clicker registration-related interfaced in portfolio.
Specific Activities:
Milestones and Dates:
Other Key Players:
Three broad strategic concerns inform my overall approach:
These broad concerns then manifest themselves in three specific undertakings
My efforts in this area have exceeded my goals in many ways. I have helped or am helping eleven different faculty members to promote themselves or their projects on the web. More important than these numbers, however, are the advances in developing models for faculty web projects. In particular, there has been a gap in the Wesleyan web presence between very modest do-it-yourself projects and high-end, cutting-edge undertakings with funding for design and development. What many faculty need is a web space with a professional look, a clear and rational navigation, an easy authoring environment, and scope to take control of their public web presentation. The template that I have built out has proven to meet most individual needs, but the editing environment continues to be an open question. The critical question is templating. How can we easily and transparently structure multiple pages so that any common elements are stored only once (or can be updated automatically by changing them in only one place). Over the course of the year I have worked with Pat Leone in particular to explore a variety of templating options: FrontPage .dwt files, Wesleyan's own ChannelMaker/.htt process, and PHP server-side includes. Aside from the specific differences between these approaches, the environments in which they occur entail other important differences. In the course of working with faculty on these sites, I have developed a battery of questions, that help to determine where best to place their site. Important parameters include:
A second important facet of the web work with faculty has been the development of quick but specialized sites for scholarly events. Two of the sites that I worked on were for such events. In one case I put together a complete event package that included a unique site with registration functionality, an event blog, and an event mailing list. The post-event plans for the site include posting pod-casts of the talks and using the blog to create a space for intellectual exchange. I see the work I have done in this realm having considerable potential value for the Academic Media Studio
Yet a third important aspect of the work has been to situate my own projects within the larger context of the Content Management and Web 2.x initiatives currently underway at Wesleyan. In particular, I have explored a model for integrating PHP templating tools with the Xythos content management environment that we have recently adopted. On the Web 2.x front, I have explored ways to leverage social bookmarking, RSS reading, and web-based productivity tools in the maintenance of web pages.
In particular I am consulting with one faculty member on how to use the new Blackboard wiki as a platform for collaborative development of web content that will eventually reside outside the confines of the Blackboard. A second faculty member has shown interest in a similar project, and I have written up guidelines for using the wiki in this way that we are adding to our in-house Blackboard documentation.
Along different lines, I am currently working on guidelines for putting PowerPoint presentations on the web. Many faculty use PowerPoint as a scholarly and pedagogical tool. There are several ways to make presentations available through the web, but no single approach is best in all situations. I am working to understand the parameters that should inform a scholar's choice in this regard. In particular, I am evaluating some very attractive Web 2.0 solutions, and preparing some documentation on the various alternatives.
Some of my aims in this arena turned out to be a bit premature. Because of the ongoing larger Web 2.x initiative, my efforts in this realm have focused more on the evaluation and selection of tools than on specific projects with individuals. This evaluation work is an important first phase of the project, and it has given us time to think about the requirements for the tools we are going to adopt/endorse.
I headed up the working group on social bookmarking, and we have now reached a decision on which tool we would like to endorse: del.icio.us. In connection with my duties in the working group, I have prepared a presentation of ten things you can do with del.icio.us that should be of interest to the scholarly community. I will be presenting these at Wesleyan's upcoming Web 2.x Expo. I have introduced a small number of individuals to del.icio.us and recommended ways that they might use it. In the future, I will be following up with these individuals to get their feedback so that we can improve the way we roll this service out. Documentation on our social bookmarking evaluation is available in this wiki at social_bookmarking.
I have also introduced a few faculty to the online RSS reader Bloglines. I have not pushed hard on RSS readers because it was unclear which tool Wesleyan would ultimately endorse. At the moment, it is unclear to many individuals what they might want a reader for. Hopefully, our Web 2.0 will help to heighten the academy's awareness of RSS as a powerful information-gathering medium. I co-authored some of Wesleyan's documentation on RSS feeds and readers. See here, here, and here. The first link is the dokuwiki version of the second two.
A smaller but no less fun piece was the documentation I wrote on how to pull the Wesleyan Events Calendar into your personal Google calendar.
As with the previous category, the work this year has been more about research, evaluation, and selection than about particular projects. I was an active participant in the Web-based applications working group. I have attempted to use the relevant tools in much of my own work, and my experiences in that regard have proven invaluable to the working committee. Of particular note is the work I described above on developing guidelines for using the Blackboard wiki as a collaborative web-authoring environment.
1. EMW v2: Database driven publication of workshop proceedings (Volume III). Complete work with Phil on php scripts and forms for dat acoleections and management of website. (Test version completed in August 2006- corrections on citation scripts December 2006, Volume III publication January 2007) People: Magda, Phil, Allynn, Manuel
2. Mobile Video conference Unit: Collaborate with interested faculty in the development of an FFI proposal to fund the acquisition of appropriate equipment.
3. Data Analysis Summer Apprenticeship Program: Develop program procedures; work on faculty-student recruitment
Complete the study and analysis of various options for the multimedia development lab, define fifth position, establish set of services that the group will offer, establish communication and project management methods, establish budget.
timetable: have this completed by spring 2007 people involved: all of acs, much of its, library, faculty
Convert the short-term proposals generated by the content management project into actual projects, and secure funding to move forward on the high-priority activities, which would likely include:
timetable: beging work on specific sub-project in fall of 2006, with target of new services in place for Sept 2007 people involved: much of acs and its; library, registrar's office,
Launch a web 2.0 project that will result in Wesleyan offering wiki, blog, podcasting, social bookmarking, and RSS services by Fall 2007.
timetable: organize kickoff for December; working groups form and make recommendations for various technologies in Winter. Pilot applications in the spring. Offer university-wide production services by the fall of 2007. people involved: much of its; have formed a university-wide working group.
Complete ethnographic studies and workshops and use information gathered in the design of study space in the science library.
timetable: Fall 2007 we will do the studies. December 2007 we will learn how to translate analysis into design. Winter and spring 2007 we will do the designs. Summer 2007 we will implement the designs, assuming we can secure funding. people involved: ethnography team, construction services.
Create and implement an assessment plan for all Wesleyan learning objects, and for LoLa by June 2007.
timetable: create plan in fall of 2006. Implement plan in spring of 2007. people involved: ACMs, Institutional Research, faculty.
Deploy dual-boot Intel mac lab in to the CFA lab space.
The plan is to make CFA Lab dual-platform without the extra cost, machinery, data, electrical requirements, and security needs of dual-platform via 2 distinct machines per station space.
This promotes and supports the learning environment, teaching environment, attracting and retaining the best facutly and students
Personnel involved– Dan Schnaidt and Prof. Huge Mike Roy to approve funding
Milestone–Prof. Huge tests AutoCAD on Intel Mac running XP. If he approves of performance the installation will proceed.
Date of completion–Jan. 20, 2007
Train student personnel to be a back-up for some of my duties to improve crisis management during my absence when imaging issue arise. Provide redundancy to critical tasks so functions can proceed with minimal disruptions to students and faculty.
This promotes and supports the learning environment, attracting and retaining the best students
Personnel involved– Student techs
Milestone–Image uploads of XP distributed to labs. Mac Radmind overloads created and distributed.
Date of completion–Nov.3, 2006
Develop with vendor (BigBang Training, LLC) tool for image compatibility on Intel Macs presently for Wintel machines, only.
This promotes and supports the learning environment, teaching environment, attracting and retaining the best facutly and students and improves the technolocial infrastructure.
At present I am working with BigBangTraining,LLC on an updated version of their image support utility to incorporate the Apple XP drivers for Intel BootCamp Macs. This will allow me (and other institutions) the ability to use the current Wintel XP image on the Intel BootCamp Macs with fewer manual installations.
Personnel involved– Developer from BigBang Training, LLC
Milestones–Contact vendor and request their participation. Approval granted. Begin testing of updates. Final update released to general public as part of their production product.
Date of completionSpring 2007