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Wesleyan engages in systematic, comprehensive, broad-based, integrated planning. In [YEAR] the university launched a strategic planning effort aimed at building off of the successes of the previous plan, Strategy for Wesleyan (1998). This new plan, Engaged with the World: A Strategic Plan for Wesleyan University, 2005-2010, was the result of the collaboration of administrators, faculty, students, the Board, the community, etc, and was launched in 2005.


To Add Long range financial planning & Campus Master Plan

Long-term planning

Priorities were built into the strategic plan and into the long-range budget.

Financial planning to reduce reliance on the endowment.

Short-term planning

The university undergoes systematic collection and analysis of data for short- and long-term planning efforts.

Performance Indices used as strategic indicators of the institution. linked to the institution’s objectives [however, linked to OLD plan and objectives….]

Reviewed annually by senior administrative staff, as well as by the Board, to inform decision-making

Retention rate as one example here.  We saw it was not doing well, put in efforts 

[WHAT WERE THE EFFORTS?] and saw improvements as a result.

Annual Senior Survey data

Exit survey of university seniors measures strengths and weaknesses in all aspects 

of the university, including academics, student services, and co-curricular activities

reviewed annually by senior administrative staff, as well as by the Board, to inform decision-making and to guide further inquiry

[2.3] As a result of the 1997 plan, Education for the 21st Century,

20 new faculty positions were created.

Student debt levels were managed/frozen(?)

Projects completed or implemented under the Campus Master Plan (1998/2002)

Center for Film Studies Chapel & Theater renovation Clark Hall renovation Classroom renovations Fauvre Field housing Freeman Athletic Center Usdan University Center Humanities District(?)


Teaching evaluations

Data collected for every course using a standard instrument

Used in tenure and promotion
      Used in curricular planning and faculty  merit system
      New on-line administration will allow for more flexible use of data
Possible revamping of instrument in future	

Key capabilities Student transcript evaluations

Gen Ed expectations
Key/essential capabilities

[2.5] Reviews of academic departments and progams

       Begins with dept/program self-study
       Conducted by outsiders
       3 per year – have done ____ since 20__

	Student Services reviews
	Housing Study/Residential Life Review?
	Dining RFP
	Campus Master Plan

[2.7] Institutional Effectiveness

How does the institution determine the effectiveness of its planning efforts and evaluation activities on an ongoing basis?

[2.8] Goal Setting for Admin Staff

reaccreditation/02_planning.txt · Last modified: 2007/02/15 17:21 (external edit)