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3.1 Wesleyan's by-laws specifically define the responsibility of the Board

   The Board periodically conducts an audit of the by-laws to make certain that the by-laws conform with practice

3.2 Membership on the board is carefully tracked to ensure that the membership reflects the diverse needs of the institution.

3.3 the board engages in strategic planning, current effort to reduce the draw on the endowment, planning for a new science building.

3.4 The board peridically conducts an evaluation through a survey.

3.5 The board has a regular meeting schedule with a minimum of three meetings per year.

3.6 The President is a member of the board and is also evaluated by a sub committee of the board each year.

3.7 The President works with the senior staff to provide the necessary administrative support for the academic mission. There are formal channels for communication with faculty and students through their governance structures, but also communication to the entire community through a variety of formal and informal mechanisms.

3.7 The vice president for academic affairs and provost report to the president. The faculty through the educational policy committee monitor the academic program.

3.9 Faculty hire the faculty and play an important role in the evaluation for promotion and tenure. The instructional program is defined by the faculty with oversight by the educational policy committee and the provost.

3.11 Student representatives are present at faculty meetings and also have representation on Board committees. Administrative staff meet with student committees of the WSA to discuss student life concerns for example the undergraduate residential life committee.

3.12 Mention Senior Administrative Staff

3.13 More opean financial planning

reaccreditation/03_org_and_gov.txt · Last modified: 2007/02/15 17:29 (external edit)