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Standard Seven Library and Other Information Resources (doesn’t yet include ITS’ part)

Peter: I am going to need your help. I read the 2002 Self-Study, and it did not begin to address the issues facing the Library. For example, the self-study does not even mention the Art Library, which is totally insufficient.

This is just one of a number of examples of very real problems that were not addressed.

I am able, with pride I might add, to enumerate the many programs we have added since 2002, but don’t know how to deal with the “new” problems not mentioned in 2002. BJ

I. Improvements and Innovations

A. ITS and the Library are working closely together compared to 10 years ago

1. Content Management Group—goal to discuss diversity of information resources and plan budget to pay for digitization and other new types of information. 2. Visual Resources Committee 3. Departmental Catalogs 4. Digitization projects 5. Information Commons 6. Other? 7. Regular meetings on technology infrastructure and other common technology issues 8. Director of Academic Computing is now a joint report to Library/ITS.


1. New leadership 2. Focus on improving access to collections of three libraries 3. Focus on *shared collection development* 4. Five Colleges Agreement

C. Library moving from Ownership to Access Model of Collections Access

D. Questions for Peter—problem areas:

1. How to talk about recent cuts in staff and freeze in acquisitions? Compare library to other ObeGroup schools in re: staff and acquisitions budgets? 2. How to talk about lack of planning for renovations for 21st century library? Outmoded space will be very noticeable at next review. We are way behind our peers. Staffing and acquisitions are in the ball park. 3. Importance of maintaining acquisitions budget for Ph.D. programs in the sciences (expensive).

E. Growth of Successful Information Literacy Program—Information Literacy one of 10 Essential Capabilities. We didn’t have this at time of last review.

F. National Engagement in Issues of Scholarly Communication

G. Intellectual Property Working Group web site—shows institutional compliance with legal issues of access. At the same time, we promote to the best of our ability the access to information that is legal. Library and institution are compliant to laws affecting both access and privacy. Library at the same time is committed to academic freedom and will constantly attempt to balance the two, always within legal boundaries.

H. Government Documents—just celebrated 100th anniversary. Superintendent of Public Documents visited from Washington, DC. Emphasize statutory responsibility.

I. Ethnographic research

J. 97% approval rate from seniors


A. Commission and complete a new master plan for the three libraries. The libraries need complete refurbishing to meet the needs of the twenty-first century student.

B. Redesign the library budget structure so that it is strategic and meets the needs of a twenty-first century library.

C. Continue to work even more closely with ITS, to avoid redundancy and to support an effective technology infrastructure.

D. Continue to reorganize and evaluate the effectiveness of the CTW Consortium.

E. Continue to create campus awareness of how libraries have changed in the twenty-first century, so that the library is fully integrated into the academic mission of Wesleyan and is part of the next capital campaign.

F. Continue to work on the issues of scholarly communication.

G. Continue to work on the Intellectual Property program at Wesleyan, to educate students, faculty, and administration and to maintain a current web site.

H. Continue to enhance Information Literacy as one of the 10 Essential Capabilities.

I. Link all of the above to the continued move toward an “access,” not “ownership,” model of library service for the twenty-first century.

Academic Technology Roundtable

With the formation of the faculty career development center, the weekly academic technology roundtable has expanded its scope to include non-technology topics, and has grown in popularity, now regularly attracting over 30 people each week. (This might want to go in some other section).

Teaching Matters Published

the Committee on Pedagogical Renewal coordinated the publication, and subseqent annual revision of “Teaching Matters”, a fifty page booklet that both summarizes all of the resources available to faculty in support of their teaching, and provides faculty-authored briefs on how to approach some of the challenges facing both new and veteran teachers. (This might want to go in some other section; check with Andy SzM.)

Information Literacy Efforts

Information Commons

Content Management

Ethnography Project

Scholarly Communication

Intellectual Property Working Group

reaccreditation/07_library.txt · Last modified: 2007/02/14 19:17 (external edit)