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  • Date: obvious.
  • Host: obvious.
  • #Scratch/#vTapes: number of 100% available tapes over total tapes (get from NA gui, get via TSM q libv).
  • #NodesDSS/Total: select distinct(node) from wesweb.bs_nodes_vtl where desktop in ('bjackson','dtlee','hepstein','jhammond','jkamm','pdean','shill') … 873/1,108 total on blackhawk (5/20/09)
  • TSM Est Capacity, TSM Pct Util: q stg VTLBPOOL, add f=d to get allowed/max. If these last 2 are not equal, the capacity changes between TSM & NetApp.
  • NA Capacity Allocated, NA Data Written: per library (get from NA gui).
Date Host NA #Scratch/#vTapes TSM #Allowed/#Max #NodesDSS/Total TSM Est Capacity TSM Pct Util NA Capacity Allocated NA Capacity Used
05/27/2009 03:00PM black0a 35/859 802/859 479/499 41,789G 50.8% 42,950G 18,563G
golden0c 119/600 470/600 NA 28,553G 65.9% 30,000G 14,400G
change: blackeagle: set 'max scratch volumes allowed' to 700 from 850/859
05/28/2009 10:00 AM black0a 39/859 799/700 479/499 38,852G 54.3% 42,950G 18,559G
golden0c 119/600 470/600 NA 28,552G 65.7% 30,000G 14,509G
05/29/2009 10:00 AM black0a 70/859 792/700 470/490 38,417G 54.9% 42,950G 18,588G
golden0c 120/600 469/600 NA 28,552G 65.9% 30,000G 14,607G
change: blackeagle: set 'reclamation threshold' to 30% from 55%
change: blackeagle: set 'max scratch volumes allowed' to 600 from 700
06/01/2009 10:00 AM black0a 174/859 665/600 ???/??? 32,155G 65.5% 42,950G ????G
golden0c 116/600 473/600 NA 28,551G 67.0% 30,000G ???G
06/02/2009 10:00 AM black0a 176/859 663/600 486/506 32,026G 66.1% 42,950G 17,379G
golden0c 115/600 474/600 NA 28,551G 66.6% 30,000G 14,670G
06/05/2009 10:00 AM black0a 180/859 659/600 491/511 31,787G 67.8% 42,950G 17,674G
golden0c 113/600 484/600 NA 28,553G 68.3% 30,000G 14,942G
change: blackeagle: set 'reclamation threshold' to 15% from 30%
change: blackeagle: set 'max scratch volumes allowed' to 500 from 600
06/02/2009 10:00 AM black0a 337/859 500/500 500/525 23,790G 90.4% 42,950G 16,866G
golden0c 110/600 484/600 NA 28,550G 67.5% 30,000G 14,886G
change: blackeagle: set 'max scratch volumes allowed' to 520 from 500
06/12/2009 10:00 AM black0a 314/859 519/520 512/542 24,712G 90.5% 42,950G 17,808G
golden0c 109/600 479/600 NA 28,555G 68.2% 30,000G 14,839G
change: goldeneagle: set 'reclamation threshold' to 30% from 55%
change: goldeneagle: set 'max scratch volumes allowed' to 470 from 600
06/15/2009 10:00 AM black0a 313/859 514/544 512/542 24,707G 90.8% 42,950G 17,942G
golden0c 155/600 479/600 NA 22,321G 92.1% 30,000G 13,766G
change: golden and black eagle: set 'reclamation threshold' to 20% from 30%
change: blackeagle: set 'max scratch volumes allowed' to 550 from 520
change: goldeneagle: set 'max scratch volumes allowed' to 450 from 470
06/19/2009 10:00 AM black0a 284/859 549/550 564/576 26,129G 90.4% 42,950G 19,001G
golden0c 159/600 430/450 NA 21,357G 90.4% 30,000G 13,885G
change: blackeagle: set 'max scratch volumes allowed' to 620 from 560
06/29/2009 10:00 AM black0a 255/859 580/580 581/589 27,485G 95.6% 42,950G 20,844G
golden0c 164/600 425/450 NA 21,358G 89.1% 30,000G 13,544G
change: blackeagle: set 'max scratch volumes allowed' to 620 from 560
07/02/2009 02:00 PM black0a 238/859 601/620 593/603 29,405G 96.9% 42,950G 21,420G
golden0c 162/600 427/450 NA 21,357G 89.6% 30,000G 13,623G
vtl_monitor.1246556992.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/07/02 17:49 by hmeij