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UPGRADE TIMES BY MATT/HENK (copy of prod db on filer1, no content) exactly what hong did, achieved about similar times, roughly 4 hours

Start - 2:45
Global Schema Done: 3:16 (~31 minutes)
Analysis of database done: 3:18 (~2 minutes)
Start of Document Store 'Data' - 3:38 (because we hadn't pushed enter)
Completion of Document STore 'Data' - 3:57 (~19 minutes)
Anaylsis done - 4:10 (~ 13 minutes)
STart of Document STore 'Home' - 4:21 (delay because we hadn't pushed
enter) Completion of Document Store: 4:35 (~ 14 minutes)
Database Anlysis: 4:44 ( ~ 9 minutes)
STart of workflow: 4:44
Workflow completed: 4:50 (~ 6 minutes)
7_2_internal_id_fix (#1) - 6:17 PM (1 hour, 27 minutes)
7_2_internal_id_fix (#2) - 7:25 PM (1 hour, 8 minutes)
7_2_internal_id_fix (#3) - 7:25 PM (1 hour, 0 minutes)

UPGRADE TIMES BY HONG (copy of prod db on filer1 no content)

Anyway, on test database yesterday, db objects update took:

Global schema: ~30mins
Data schema: ~30mins
Home schema: ~30mins
Internal fix: ~2hours
7.2.88 to 7.2.91 requires a database object update that took ~30mins on xydev
Last Friday on production: (upgrade of prod db on filer4)
Global schema: ~30mins
Data schema: ~50mins
Home schema: ~45mins
Internal fix started at 3:06pm, aborted ~7:30pm… 4 hours, aborted, on retry 7-8 hours …aborted

Just looking through the old install.log(s)

Install.log start of July 9th from prod.

Start - 9:34 PM
Global Schema done: 10:00 (~26 minutes)
Analysis done: 10:04 (~4 minutes)
Start of Document Store 'Data' - 10:16
Completion of Document STore 'data'e: 10:35 (~ 19 minutes)
Analysis of database done: 11:00 (~25 minutes)
Start of Document Store 'Home' - 11:06
Completion of Document Store 'Home' - 11:22 (~15 minutes)
Database Analysis Done: 11:47 (~ 25 minutes)
Workflow Upgrades: 11:47
Workflow completed: 11:53 (~6 minutes)

xythos/upgrade_times_log.1311861661.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/07/28 14:01 by hmeij