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Upgrade path: Each time we took a copy of production, changed database name and user/password properties (xml properties file and inside database). Also staged content area (except in FIRST).

  • Can we get rid of the prompting when upgrading? (username/passwd, tables for datastores … just accept defaults provided)

Summary of THIRD attempt:

stage version
./fixServerPrincipleIDs -a [test|fix] … server remains up !! test=7 mins, fix=20 hours
hotfix 7.1.37_sp2 (skipped)
upgrade to 7.2.88 (1:50)
hotfix 7.2.88.sp2 (skipped)
upgrade 7.2.91 (1:10)

  • When executing fixServerPrincipleIDs script dev server can remain up (we tested). Is this true/advisable for production upgrade?
  • If yes above, should we while production is up, consider running in batches (directory trees) or all at once?
  • If answer is no, server must be down: when we apply the 7.2.88 upgrade (without fixServerPrincipleIDs script manually, this upgrade seems to automatically invoke it) script and upgrade take 19 hours (second attempt) versus script by itself only takes 20 hours (third attempt). Why?
  • Can we skip the hotfix upgrades after running the script and go directly to 7.2.88, then to 7.2.91?


copy of prod db on filer1, no content
exactly what hong did, achieved about similar times, roughly 6 hours + pre/post work

…upgrade to 7.2.88…
Jul 26, 2011 6:18:27 PM – Xythos Database Schema Installer Version - (cumulative time)
Jul 26, 2011 7:16:24 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Global Schema - 1:00
Jul 26, 2011 7:57:46 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Data Document Store - 1:40
Jul 26, 2011 8:35:19 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Home Document Store - 2:15
Jul 26, 2011 8:50:50 PM – Workflow data upgrade completed - 2:30
Jul 26, 2011 10:17:28 PM – 7_2_internal_id_fix - 4:00
Jul 26, 2011 11:25:24 PM – 7_2_internal_id_fix - 5:15
Jul 26, 2011 11:25:25 PM – 7_2_internal_id_fix - 5:15
Jul 26, 2011 11:25:27 PM – Exited successfully - 5:15
…hotfix 7.2.88.sp2…
Jul 27, 2011 2:31:53 PM – Xythos Database Schema Installer Version - (cumulative time)
Jul 27, 2011 2:45:41 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Global Schema - 0:15
Jul 27, 2011 2:51:48 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Data Document Store - 0:20
Jul 27, 2011 3:07:28 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Home Document Store - 0:35
Jul 27, 2011 3:20:47 PM – Exited successfully - 0:50

copy of prod db on filer4, with content, roughly 20 hours + pre/post work
…upgrade to 7.2.88…
Jul 27, 2011 6:35:55 PM – Xythos Database Schema Installer Version - (cumulative time)
Jul 27, 2011 7:15:16 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Global Schema - 0:40
Jul 27, 2011 7:45:57 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Data Document Store - 0:50
Jul 27, 2011 8:49:45 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Home Document Store - 1:45
Jul 27, 2011 9:12:07 PM – Workflow data upgrade completed - 2:15
Jul 28, 2011 10:24:18 AM – 7_2_internal_id_fix - 15:00 ←———– the hang over
Jul 28, 2011 2:25:43 PM – 7_2_internal_id_fix - 19:00
Jul 28, 2011 2:25:43 PM – 7_2_internal_id_fix - 19:00
Jul 28, 2011 2:25:43 PM – Exited successfully - 19:00
…hotfix 7.2.88.sp2…
Jul 28, 2011 3:12:29 PM – Xythos Database Schema Installer Version - (cumulative time) Jul 28, 2011 3:12:59 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Global Schema - 0:01
Jul 28, 2011 3:17:31 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Data Document Store - 0:05
Jul 28, 2011 3:32:00 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Home Document Store - 0:20
Jul 28, 2011 3:50:01 PM – Exited successfully - 0:20

copy of prod db on filer4, with content
…hotfix 7.1.37_24 (contains the fixInternalPrincipalIDs script ) on current version…
download and unpack
fix java path or stage old java
./fixServerPrincipleIDs -a [test|fix] … server remains up !! test=7 mins, fix=20 hours
…3:45 pm → 11:45 am basically, 20 hours, NOTE this is longer than upgrade (includes fix) in step 2
…but then the server must be down, using the utility it appears it can remain up (verify with xythos)
…internal fix utility results: broken in home 210, broken in data 1,296
…upgrade to 7.1.37_sp2 (needed ??? time ???)
…upgrade to 7.2.88…
Jul 29, 2011 4:02:52 PM – Xythos Database Schema Installer Version - (cumulative time)
Jul 29, 2011 4:35:55 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Global Schema - 0:35
Jul 29, 2011 5:00:20 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Data Document Store - 1:00
Jul 29, 2011 5:28:44 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Home Document Store - 1:30
Jul 29, 2011 5:46:42 PM – Workflow data upgrade completed - 1:45
Jul 29, 2011 5:48:24 PM – 7_2_internal_id_fix - 1:50
Jul 29, 2011 5:51:07 PM – 7_2_internal_id_fix - 1:50
Jul 29, 2011 5:51:07 PM – 7_2_internal_id_fix - 1:50
Jul 29, 2011 5:51:08 PM – Exited successfully - 1:50
…hotfix 7.2.88.sp2… (took 20 mins before, skip???)
…upgrade 7.2.91 (with pauses)
Jul 29, 2011 6:04:26 PM – Xythos Database Schema Installer Version - (cumulative time)
Jul 29, 2011 6:05:11 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Global Schema - 1:00
Jul 29, 2011 6:11:51 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Data Document Store - 8:00
Jul 29, 2011 6:51:44 PM – Successfully upgraded the Xythos Document Store: 'Home Document Store - 45:00
Jul 29, 2011 7:14:16 PM – Exited successfully - 1:10
…matt states: upgraded 7.2.88 and then to 7.2.91 (with pauses
…in between), starting at 12:00PM and finishing at 3:00PM – check!)

UPGRADE TIMES BY HONG (copy of prod db on filer1 no content)

Anyway, on test database yesterday, db objects update took:

Global schema: ~30mins
Data schema: ~30mins
Home schema: ~30mins
Internal fix: ~2hours
7.2.88 to 7.2.91 requires a database object update that took ~30mins on xydev
Last Friday on production: (upgrade of prod db on filer4)
Global schema: ~30mins
Data schema: ~50mins
Home schema: ~45mins
Internal fix started at 3:06pm, aborted ~7:30pm… 4 hours, aborted, on retry 7-8 hours …aborted

Just looking through the old install.log(s)

Install.log start of July 9th from prod.

Start - 9:34 PM
Global Schema done: 10:00 (~26 minutes)
Analysis done: 10:04 (~4 minutes)
Start of Document Store 'Data' - 10:16
Completion of Document STore 'data'e: 10:35 (~ 19 minutes)
Analysis of database done: 11:00 (~25 minutes)
Start of Document Store 'Home' - 11:06
Completion of Document Store 'Home' - 11:22 (~15 minutes)
Database Analysis Done: 11:47 (~ 25 minutes)
Workflow Upgrades: 11:47
Workflow completed: 11:53 (~6 minutes)

xythos/upgrade_times_log.1312212708.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/08/01 15:31 by hmeij