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cluster:183 [2019/08/14 14:36]
hmeij07 created
cluster:183 [2020/07/29 15:49] (current)
hmeij07 [Zenoss]
Line 5: Line 5:
 ==== Zenoss ==== ==== Zenoss ====
-Our scratch server has been our Zenoss server since the beginning. Ran RHEL 5.5 and is now decommissioned. A new server has deployed to only do the Zenoss service.  It will run CentOS 6.10 (Final) and Zenoss 4.2.5, specifically the Community last v4 version becasue I like to keep it simple. All we want is basic monitoring, alerts when nodes go down, and historical data.+Our scratch server has been our Zenoss server since the beginning. Ran RHEL 5.5 and is now decommissioned. A new server has been deployed to only do the Zenoss service.  It will run CentOS 6.10 (Final) and Zenoss 4.2.5, specifically the Community Edition last v4 version because I like to keep it simple. All we want is basic monitoring, alerts when nodes go down, and historical data.
 +# never understood why
 +rpm -e --nodeps mysql mysql-server mysql-libs mysql-devel postfix
 +# autodeploy
 +mkdir zenoss-deploy
 +cd zenoss-deploy/
 +wget -O auto.tar.gz
 +tar zxvf auto.tar.gz
 +cd zenoss-core-autodeploy-aeb5289/
 +# boink
 +At this point the script fails to find the core rpm file for my distro. Luckily, there are some folks maintaining the script for 4.2.5 and pointing to the new location. Shout out to Jane, much appreciated!
 +Download the zip file from [[|Zenoss_4.2.5_core-autodeploy]]
 +# Stage the maintained autodeploy script
 +cp /root/ .
 +cp Zenoss_4.2.5_core-autodeploy-master/core-autodeploy.sh_update_20190110_zenup .
 +Then test out the installation.
 +/opt/zenoss/bin/zenoss xstatus
 +Status        | PID     | Daemon
 +Running        33447      zeneventserver
 +Running        34329      zopectl
 +Running        34334      zenrrdcached
 +Running        34387      zenhub
 +Running        34438      zenjobs
 +Running        34499      zeneventd
 +Running        34559      zenping
 +Running        34687      zensyslog
 +Running        34668      zenstatus
 +Running        34705      zenactiond
 +Running        34811      zentrap
 +Running        34786      zenmodeler
 +Running        34821      zenperfsnmp
 +Running        34850      zencommand
 +Running        34878      zenprocess
 +Running        34882      zredis
 +Running        34917      zenjmx
 +Running        35008      zenpython
 +rabbitmqctl -p /zenoss list_queues
 +Listing queues ...
 +celery  0
 +hpcmon.celeryd.pidbox   0
 +zenoss.queues.zep.signal        0
 +zenoss.queues.zep.modelchange   0
 +zenoss.queues.zep.migrated.summary      0
 +zenoss.queues.zep.rawevents     0
 +zenoss.queues.zep.heartbeats    0
 +zenoss.queues.zep.zenevents     0
 +zenoss.queues.zep.migrated.archive      0
 +# Finish installation
 +firefox http://localhost:8080
 +You may want to copy the script and edit it to only keep the Mysql admin password code block to secure your MySQL installation. 
 +''yum install postfix'' then configure email delivery, define relay_host in ''''
 +Last but not least define a ''Trigger'' (production, critical) and associate with a ''Notification'' (email, clear) ...\\
 + read [[|Notify_Me_of_Important_Events Link]]  ... do check "send only on initial occurrence"
 +From you can log in as guest/WelcomeGuest
 \\ \\
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cluster/183.1565793402.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/08/14 14:36 by hmeij07