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3.0 Appendices or Annexes

=====3.1 Facility and Locality Information (i.e., maps, drawings, description, layout, hazards, populations, emergency equipment.

3.1.1 Wesleyan University Site Maps

Maps indicating academic buildings, athletics facilities, and residential properties are attached for reference in emergency situations. I am working with Brandi Hood to update the campus map.Barbara Spalding 2006/10/17 10:48

3.1.2 Wesleyan University Housing Lists

Lists of wood frame housing units associated with undergraduate, graduate, and faculty and staff housing and their appropriate addresses are attached for reference in emergency situations. — Barbara Spalding 2006/10/17 This information will be updated annually from the Wesleyan Building Master List database.Clifford J Ashton 2006/09/20 09:21 Insert up to date tables below provided by Fran Koerting forwarded to Ravi via email 9/20/06.

== Wesleyan University Wood Frame Housing and Academic Units == By street address:

Table 1- 3 Brainard to 23 Fairview

Table 2- 32 Fairview to 185 High

Table 3- 190 High to 36 Mansfield Terrace

Table 4- 21 Miles to 74 Wyllys

Undergraduate Housing Document 0607

3.1.3 Incident Action Plans and Evacuation Plans

Wesleyan University has developed general guidelines to be used by all faculty, staff, and students who work or live on campus, to use in the event of an emergency. Individuals who are employed by the institution are trained on these guidelines and their building-specific incident action and evacuation plans on an annual basis as part of mandatory safety training. Student residents of University owned woodframe residential units on the periphery of campus are provided with a copy of an Emergency Planning notebook with a floorplan of the residence at the beginning of each academic year. The following subsections provide general Incident Action Plans. Evacuation plans specific to each floor in each campus building are provided on two CDs included with this report: one for academic buildings, and one for residential housing buildings. Wesleyan University Incident Action Plans

Incident action plans are attached for reference in emergency situations.

General Guidelines

Wesleyan University is committed to conducting operations in the safest manner possible, with concern for the individual and their family and in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, statutes, and ordinances. Wesleyan University’s Incident Action Plan, as outlined below, and associated Incident Action Plans have been prepared to comply with regulations promulgated by OSHA , the Connecticut Emergency Management Agency (CEMA), and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).


It is the policy of Wesleyan University that all employees and visitors SHALL evacuate the building in the event of a known, or perceived, emergency. — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46Comment: Including bomb threat? Common practice is to stay in the building and search.) At no point is any employee required, as a part of his/her job, to respond to a fire or chemical spill emergency, unless they have been thoroughly trained and are not putting themselves at increased risk by responding to the event. All emergencies are to be handled by trained individuals or external agencies, which have been briefed on the event or concern in question. Non-emergency situations, such as a minor injury, shall be handled initially with in-house assistance and first aid, administered by trained staff, followed by the request for emergency medical assistance and ambulance transport if the incident is deemed to warrant additional assistance.


Incident action plans have been developed to provide guidelines for responding to potential emergency situations as part of a hazard vulnerability assessment of risks posed by natural events (e.g. weather) or man-made incidents (e.g. bomb threat, terrorist act.). As part of the overall emergency response plan, each academic, support, athletic, or residential building on the Wesleyan University Campus shall be provided with an Evacuation plan. These plans will be made available to Emergency Responders or external agencies upon request and will be provided to the occupants of each building on an annual basis during mandatory annual health and safety training sessions conducted by the institution.

Non-Emergency Situations

Non-emergency situations on the Wesleyan campus will be reported to the Office of Public Safety as soon as possible. If first aid is needed at the scene and trained responders are not immediately available to render assistance, call the Office of Public Safety and request that an ambulance be summoned.

Wesleyan Staff members trained in First Aid and CPR, and who can do so safely, are asked to respond to assist the individual or provide support in requesting additional medical assistance. Employees are not required, as a function of their job, to provide first aid or to respond to medical emergencies and are asked to do so only if they feel comfortable rendering assistance. All attending personnel will offer first aid assistance, as needed using in-house first aid kits or will assist an individual in procuring assistance from the campus medical clinic.

Emergency Situations

All emergency situations on the Wesleyan Campus will be handled by calling 911. In the event of a medical emergency: call 911, state the nature of the medical emergency and the location (building name, floor, room #, and nearest entrance). Remain with the individual and send at least two employees out of the building to flag down the rescue unit and direct them to the closest entrance. A lost or misdirected ambulance can lead to needless delays.

For any fire emergencies, pull the fire alarm, evacuate the building immediately, call 911 from a safe place, and report to the assembly point listed in the building-specific plan. All ambulances and rescue personnel are summoned through the Wesleyan Office of Public Safety. The Public Safety Department will summon assistance from the Middletown Fire Department. The approximate response time is 3 to 5 minutes from the Central Fire Station.

Building-Specific Emergency Evacuation Plans

The requirements of a written building-specific evacuation plans cover those actions that Wesleyan University and specific emergency response employees must take to ensure the safety of occupants and visitors from fire and other emergencies. These plans include the following elements:

  1. List of the area’s major hazards for the purposes of emergency response planning
  2. Emergency procedures for a specific area
  3. Primary and secondary escape routes
  4. Procedures to be followed by employees who remain behind to operate or shut down critical operations before they evacuate
  5. Names, or titles, of persons who can be contacted for further information or assistance
  6. The preferred method of reporting fires and other emergencies
  7. Evacuation guidelines

In addition, these plans will assure that the following requirements are met:

  1. New employees are trained upon initial assignment
  2. Conduct and document annual training for existing employees
  3. Review hazards on a periodic basis
  4. Review and approve the existing emergency action plan on an annual basis
  5. Communicate changes in the plan to employees
  6. Maintain appropriate egress pathways and ensure that hazards are minimized where possible and appropriate
  7. Exercise the Emergency Response Plan annually


The Associate Director of Campus Fire Safety will be responsible for:

  1. Ensuring that initial employee training and annual refresher training on emergency evacuations are conducted for all areas of the laboratory.
  2. Ensuring that emergency egress pathways are kept free from obstructions or hazards.
  3. Posting evacuation maps.
  4. Scheduling and evaluating annual fire drills in conjunction with the local fire department.
  5. Ensuring that routine maintenance of alarms, fire extinguishers, and sprinklers are conducted on a regular schedule.
  6. Working with safety and health professionals to identify hazards and issues, address training and develop documents necessary to protect the health and safety of the Wesleyan University faculty, staff, and students.

Each Department Chair or Area Supervisor is responsible for:

  1. Implementing and maintaining the area-specific evacuation plans for their work areas.
  2. Training new employees on the plan.
  3. Ensuring that hazards are assessed and recommended corrective actions are forwarded to the Associate Director of Campus Fire Safety and the appropriate academic authority to ensure that issues are addressed in a prompt manner.
  4. Participating in the annual exercise of the Emergency Response Plan as appropriate.
  5. Ensuring that housekeeping practices keep workplace hazards to a minimum.
  6. Conducting periodic safety audits and correcting any deficiencies found.

Employees and students are responsible for:

  1. Evacuating the building in an emergency situation and remaining outside the building until it has been declared safe by the local authorities.
  2. Assisting any visitors or disabled persons in their area with an emergency evacuation of the building.
  3. Reporting non-emergency situations to the Office of Public Safety as soon as possible and ensuring that staff are notified and assistance is provided promptly.
  4. Following approved procedures for the shut down of critical equipment and then promptly evacuating once the task is completed or remaining behind becomes dangerous.
  5. Practicing good personal safety habits at all times.

Procedure for Reporting Accidents

  1. All accidents occurring on the Wesleyan University campus should be reported to the individual’s supervisor, laboratory assistant, or teaching assistant within 24 hours, no matter how insignificant the injury may seem at the time. For insurance purposes, the importance of a complete accident report cannot be over-emphasized.
  2. If immediate medical attention is necessary either summon an ambulance by calling 911, go immediately to the medical clinic or consult a physician immediately.
  3. State and federal law cover all accidents or occupational illnesses that occur at a place of employment, or where an individual works in the capacity of an employee, AND which require medical attention and services. Employees must inform their physician that the accident/illness is work related and complete three forms entitled: “Supervisor’s Injury Report”, “Employee’s Report of Injury”, and “Certificate Authorizing Release of Medical/Health Care information” within 24 hours. The forms are available in the Human Resources office. These must be filled out completely and returned promptly to the Human Resources office. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the Human Resources office has the information necessary to complete all necessary forms.

Procedure for After Hours and Weekend Work Activities

Individuals working alone in a laboratory after regular business hours, on holidays, or over the weekend are required to perform the following actions in order to protect their safety and that of anyone else who might be present in the building:

  • Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46Check in with the Office of Public Safety at 685-2345. Notify them as to your name, where you will be working, and approximately how long you will be working in the area. Ask who else is working within the building so that you can check on that individual from time to time.
  • Ensure that outside doors to the facility are locked and inaccessible to the public.
  • Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46Check in with other individuals at least once every two hours. * — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46Call the Office of Public Safety at 685-2345 to notify them that you are leaving the area. Confirm that co-workers are, or are not, still present in the building to the best of your knowledge.

* Ensure all doors are locked to the facility. Implementation, Record-Keeping, and Maintenance

This — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46generic Emergency ActionResponse Plan will be reviewed and approved by the safety committeeannually, and a new copy will be documented and signed by the University administrators on an annual basis. A copy of the current Emergency — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46Response Plan will be provided to appropriate emergency responders, and the previous plans will be archived in a master file for a period of five years. — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46All Employees will should be given a copy of the building specific plan during their annual training session.

The Emergency — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46Response Plan will be exercised on an annual basis. Evacuation drills will be conducted — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46annually — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46in conjunction with the Middletown Fire Department and a written critique will be communicated to all employees with a copy to be archived with the plan.

Employee Training

Employees will be — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46provided with training information regarding in the Emergency Response Plan at the time of their initial hire — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46, whenever a reassignment to a new area occurs,or when changes to the plan necessitate an update. — Clifford J Ashton 2006/10/04 08:46 and at least annually thereafter. All training conducted will be documented with an individual signature and date. Training records will be kept for a minimum of three years. Training will consist of providing a copy of this Emergency Action Plan, an evacuation map, a discussion of evacuation procedures and answering any questions that an employee may have. Definitions

Emergency means a dangerous situation that cannot be safely abated by the employees immediately available in the area because of a lack of knowledge, training, or resources.

Non-emergency situation is one that can be adequately handled with trained personnel and resources on hand, without endangering the person responding or the individual injured.

After hours work is considered to be the time when the question arises as to who else is on-site in the building and where those individuals might be located. This may vary among groups or individuals, but should be consistent for any particular person working in a laboratory area.

business_continuity_plan/chapter3.txt · Last modified: 2006/11/01 18:41 (external edit)