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2019 GPU Models

Quadro Tesla
Model RTX 2080 Ti RTX TITAN RTX 4000 RTX 6000 RTX 8000 V100 Notes
Cores 4352 4608 2304 4608 4608 5120 parallel cuda
Memory 11 24 8 24 46 16 ddr6
Watts 250 280 250 295 295 250
Double - 0.5 - 0.5 - 7 FP64 precision
Single 13.5 16 7 16 16 14 FP32 precision
Nvidia $1,199 $2,499 $900 $4,000 $5,500 $7,000 list price

A lot of information comes from this web site Best GPU for deep learning

Bench statistics (Nidia GTX 1070 is about 100% baseline) from this web site External Link

Most GPU models come in multiple memory configurations, showing the most common footprints.


cluster/181.1564505370.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/30 16:49 by hmeij07