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If you publish a paper where the cluster was used for calculation, please include the following acknowledgement:

“We thank Wesleyan University for computer time supported by the NSF under grant number CNS-0619508.”

If you paraphrase this, be sure to include the grant number! Please also send a copy the paper reference, so that it can be included in the annual report to the NSF, to Francis Starr (

List of Publications

  • Q. Gu and J.L. Knee “Binding energies and dissociation pathways in the Aniline-Ar2 cation complex”, Journal Chemical Physics 128, 064311 (2008).
  • A.J. Rahedi, J.F. Douglas, and F.W. Starr, ``Model for Reversible Nanoparticle Assembly in a Polymer Matrix,'' Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 024902 (2008).
  • J.D. Bodyfelt, J.A. Mendez-Bermudez, A. Chabanov, & T. Kottos, “Scaling properties of delay times in one-dimensional random media”, Physical Review B, volume 77, article 045103, 2008. Abstract Link
  • Gu, Q.; Knee, J. L “Cation Spectroscopy and Binding Energy Determination for 1,4-Benzodioxan−Ar1 and −Ar2 Complexes”, J. Phys. Chem. A.; (Article); 2008; 112(30); 6823-6828


cluster/53.1217525314.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/10/15 14:17 (external edit)